Ordinance No. 11,616ORDINANCE NO. 11,616 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI I[.-" CITY OF BAY'roWN, TEXAS, AU'I'HORIZINGCI-IANGEOR,I)I-RNO. I "Il'I'IIANGEI,BIZO'I'FIEIZS[-'N'I'ERPRISI'-.S, LTD., FOR THE 2007 STRFJ�T BONI), PROJECT -- YEAR 2; AUTHORIZING I)AYMEN'I'BYTI Ili CITY OI!�'I!IAYTOWN,I'I-IE SUM OI'^"I'WOI-IUNI)REDTWEN'FY- TWO 'I'l-IOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRI"'.1) NINETEEN AND 501100 DOLLARS (S222,719.50); AND PROVIDING FOR HE' EFFEC"I'IVEDA'FETfIL-,IZI,-01',. BE' IT ORDAINED ICY `E CITY COUNCIL OF TI CITY 011 BAY'I'OWN,'I-Il`XAS-. Section 1: That the Cit- y Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. I with Angel Brothers ["nterprises, Ltd., for the 2007 Street Bond Project -- Year 2. A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked I'-*xllibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That tile City. Comic il of the City of Baytown hereby authorizes the payment ot"I'WO HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETEEN AND 501100 DOLLARS ($222,719-50) to Angel Brothers Enterprises, Ltd., (or Change Order No. I for the 2007 Street Bond ProjJect -- Year 2. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the 'Council of the City of Baylown this the 14"' day of April, 2011. C11 APPROVED ASTO FORM: 'qz' SR I TC-1 ff e A66 RAMIREZ. SR.. (-'� tomy , F RAkaFC"4-'ilCS\0ty CoulmhOrdmancesQ101 PApfll CARLOS, Mayor 49ahM 1401WO12 2007 Street Bond Project - Year 2 3/31/2011 Brief Description of Changes: i ms criango oroor wm ace Tor removing anU FOPIOCHIQ 11101 e_ AU waturimu on coaster wan a now 'i t) vv+, sino. Originally the One was thought not to bo undor pavomont, therefore would not be replaced, but after excavation it was found to be under pavernont. In addition, tho contractor found a 2" line that the services to the houses are connected to. This was also an unknown lino. Wo will be replacing It with as 6" PVC line and adding 2 fire hydrants, During excavation of the ditches it was found that getting the slope on the ditches to a safe and iappropriata angle was unachievable. This had been discussod (luring design that this could be an Issue. We have decided to pipe the ditches ware the slope is not appropriate and install grate inlets and swales to channel the water. We will also he adding qua ntitios to eaten Hern lock reconstruction 330 LF, Add or Delete Items: Contract surnmary: .jinit Contract Price vious Change Orders s Change Order ,raised Contract Price nal Contract Duralion - Calendar D i ms uninge career revised Conlracl Duration - Crilendar Days Angel Brothers's Enterprises, Ltd. Date Director of Finance Dato S 11 15,,042.6,5 Director of Engineering Date City managor Date 365