Ordinance No. 11,606ORDINANCE NO.11,606 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS,AMENDING CHAPTER 112 "OFF-STREET PARKING,"ARTICLE I "IN GENERAL,"SECTION 112-2 "APPLICABILITY"OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES,BAYTOWN,TEXAS,TO REQUIRE OFF-STREET PARKING FOR MULTIFAMILY USES IN AREAS THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY EXEMPTED FROM THE REQUIREMENT TO PROVIDE OFF-STREET PARKING;CONTAINING A REPEALING CLAUSE;CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE;PRESCRIBING A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($500.00);AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section1:That Chapter 112 "Off-StreetParking,"ArticleI"In General,"Section 112-2 "Applicability"of the Code of Ordinances,City of Baytown,Texas,is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 112.OFF-STREET PARKING ARTICLE I.IN GENERAL Sec.112-2.Applicability. The off-street parkingrequirementsspecifiedinthis chapter shallnot applytocertaincentralbusinessdistrictareasasdepictedonthemapssetforthin appendix2 of thesechapterswhichareonfilewiththecityclerk.Allprivate propertyshownintheshadedportionsonsuchmapsisexemptedfromthe requirements of thischapter;providedthatsuchexemptionshallhaveno applicationtoanysuchpropertyonwhichislocated(i)adwellingunitina mixed-use building,(ii)a multifamily dwellingasdefinedinsection 130-1,or(iii) a hotel as defined in section 130-1. Section 2:All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinanceareherebyrepealed;provided,however,thatsuchrepealshallbeonlytotheextent of such inconsistency andinall other respects this ordinance shallbe cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing thesubjectmattercoveredbythis ordinance. Section3:If any provision,section,exception,subsection,paragraph,sentence,clauseor phrase of the ordinance orthe application of sametoanypersonortheset of circumstances,shall foranyreasonbeheldunconstitutional,voidorinvalid,suchinvalidityshallnoteffectthe validity of the remaining provisions of thisordinanceortheir application to other persons orsets of circumstances andtothisendallprovisions of thisordinanceare declared tobeseverable. Section4:Anypersonwhofailstocomplywithanyprovision of thisordinanceshall beguiltyofamisdemeanorand,upon conviction,shallbe punished byafineinanamountof not morethanFIVEHUNDREDANDNO/100DOLLARS($500.00).Eachact of violationand eachdayuponwhichanysuch violation shalloccurshallconstituteaseparateoffense.In additiontothepenaltyprescribed above,thecitymaypursueotherremediessuchas abatement of nuisances,injunctiverelief,administrative adjudication and revocation of licenses or permits. Section5:This ordinance shalltakeeffect from andafterten(10)days from its passage bythe City Council.The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption ofthis ordinance tobe published inthe official newspaper ofthe City of Baytown at leasttwicewithinten (10)daysafterpassage of thisordinance. INTRODUCED,READ,AND PASSED bythe affirmativ Baytown,this the 24lhday of March,2011. 'ote of the City Council of STEPHEN H.DONCARLOS,Mayor ,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: <-~> CIGNACIO RAMIREZ,Sr.,CityAttorney R:\Jcarcn\Files\City Council\Ordinanccs\201 l\.Maich 2-1'l'arking Rcvision.doc 2