Ordinance No. 11,604ORDINANCE NO.11,604 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS,DECLARING ANEMERGENCY;APPROVING THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF THE BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO BAWA'S 30-INCH WATER LINE LOCATED ON CEDAR BAYOU LYNCHBURG ACROSS FROM EAST ROAD IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($125,000.00);ANDPROVIDINGFORTHE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS,theBaytownAreaWaterAuthority's30-inchwaterlinelocatedonCedar BayouLynchburgacrossfromEastRoad(the"Line")hasbrokenandisleaking;and WHEREAS,water fromtheLineis bubbling tothe surface;and WHEREAS,water iscomingoutfasterthanitwaswhenthebreakwasfirstdiscovered; and WHEREAS,thereisareal potential for undermining of the bridge abutment if thebreak isnot repaired as soon as possible;and WHEREAS,the Baytown Area Water Authority authorized ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS($150,000.00)onMarch1,2011,torepairthislineby removing the damaged portion of the pipe fromthe casing;and WHEREAS,thepipeisnotcomingout of thecasingthewayitwasprojectedtoandwill requireanopencut procedure toreplacethissection of thepipe;and WHEREAS,theBoard of Directors of BAWAauthorizeditsGeneralManagertoexecute a contract for emergency repairstotheLine;and WHEREAS,thelegislationcreatingBAWArequiresthattheCityCouncil of theCity of Baytown approve contracts entered intobyBAWA;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncil of theCity of Baytownbelievesthatsuchemergency contract is desirable and necessary forthe performance ofthe BAWA's rightsand powers;and WHEREAS,topreservethehealth,safetyandwell-being of theCity of Baytown's residents,immediate repairsarenecessary;NOW THEREFORE BEIT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1:ThattheCityCouncil of theCity of Baytown,Texas,herebyfindsthatthe recitalscontainedhereinabovearetrueandcorrectandarethefindings of theCityCouncil of the City of Baytown,Texas.Assuch,theCityCouncilhereby declares an emergency because of the existence of animminentthreattopublichealthandsafety and/or areasonablyunforeseeable situationduetothefindings contained intherecitals. Section 2:ThattheCity Council oftheCityof Baytown,Texas,hereby approves the authorization of theGeneralManager of theBaytownAreaWaterAuthoritytoexecuteanew contract foremergencyrepairsto BAWA's 30-inch waterline located onCedar Bayou Lynchburg across fromEastRoad. Section3:This ordinance shalltakeeffect immediately fromand after itspassageby theCityCouncil of theCity of Baytown. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED bythe City of Baytown this the 18th day of March,2011. City Council of the n DONCARLOS,Mayor NACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,City/Attorney R:\karcn\riles\CJly Council\Ordinanccs\201 IVMarch IXApproveBAWAEmcrgencyRcpairContnict I'uo.doc