Ordinance No. 11,600ORDINANCE NO. 11,600 AN ORDINANCE' OF THL (ATY COUNCIL 01" 'Fill' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZINOTHE PAYN4f1NTOF0N1-1' HUNDICIE'D l."IGIFFY-THRET', THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINE"I"E'l"iN AND NO/100 DOLL,ARS ($183,619,00) TO CALDWELL AUF0MOTIVI',,1 PARTNE�RS L, TD, D/B/A CALD'"IF'LLCOUNTRY CI It"VIZOLET, FOR PURCI [ASF" OF SEVEN (7) Cill'I'VIZOLETCAPRICES FORT111" POLICI DEPAR'I'NIEN'r THROUGH "11,11" TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING COOPERATIVE (BUY 130ARD); MAKING 011-11"I'12 PROVISIONS RELATEDTHERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE I"FFT"'CTIVE DATI"ITI-11""REOF. NVI-JERF"AS, the City of Baytown is a member of the cooperative purchasing program established under Sections 271.0182 and 271.083 of the 1'exas Local Government Code; and ",'FIF'RF'AS, the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative's Buy Board Prog�ranl is such as program, allowing rilunicipalities to purchase products and/or services in all efficient, cost effective, and conipetifive procurement method; an(] W14FREAS, the City ofllaytowii in making as purchase under a state contract throogh soch cooperative purchasing program saatisfies state law requiring III Lill icipal it ics to seek competitive bids For the purchase of the item(s); NOWT] IERFI,`,0RE 131" ITORDAINI,"D BY TI It" CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 13A YTOWN,TI1.XAS: sectioll 1: That the City Council of' the City ofBaytowri hereby atIlhorizes the payment of'ONF',. HUNDRED EIGI,I'I'Y-'T "l'IREE"I'l,lO[JSANI) SIX HUNDRED NINETEEN AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($183,619,00) to Caldwell Automotive Partners LTD, d/b/a Caldwell Country (.1levrolet, For the ptirchase ofseveii (7) Chevrolet Caprices for the Police Dcpartmeni, through the Texas Local Government Ptirchasing Cooperative (Buy Board), Section 2: That the City Manager is hereby granted general kunhorily to approve any change order involving as decrease or all increase in costs of TWENTY-I"I'VE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.0(.)) or less, prov,ided that the original contract price may not be increased by inore fluall twenty-five percew (25%) or decrease(] by more thari twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent ofthe contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take of immediately ftom and aifiCr its PaSSIgC by the City COMICH Of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSUID by the affirrilative vole ofthe Ci "ouncil ofthe City oflhytown this tile I 0"',drf b` li, 2011 I C-1i of file . .. . ...... S DONCARLOS, M iyoi A AkN City I APPROVEID ASTO FORM: <:71 NrC 10 RAMIRI`Z, SR., City ttorricy VW101 dau