Ordinance No. 11,5990 R, I :) I N A N CE N G . 1 1, 5 99 AN CMZ'DJNANCE C)F C-1'ry CO'Li 1CIi CSI, 'I'llIF CFFY (-)F BAY'FOWN, -1-1,,,-.XAS, ALYFFIC)RIZINK! 114E P PAY NI.[:-"N-F CA: AN Amoumr my wo iammm smmunw.FiviH `MOUSAND A1' l"D NOVIOO D,OLLARS ($75,000.00), TO PITHURF-SSIVE. CON/IMERC71AL AQUA-FICIS., mc., imm 'rum scm-E SOURCUT PURCHASE OF PPG ACC U-NA13 BLUE SLL TABLE"J'S, 54SF 50: N,,l.AI.,,'lNG PROVISIONS RE1..AYET3 ­11-IF'-'RE"T'(:); AN[F) P R(7.:)VlL:3lNC-T F'OR, -FH E EF F EC"rJVIT. DA"I"F''I'l I FR I-X�Az. WUHMEAS, 'Yexas Local c3overrinlern Code Anno,tated §25�2.022 lirovides that when the funCtiOrkal jequirements ofthe City can only be Satist"it':d by one source, the retittireitient for corrilietitive bids is not applicalAo; aFid, WV III RI ' AS, the procurenient of PPG Accu-'F,11--) Blue Sl tablets, NSF 50can be SLatisfied by only one qource, F'rogressive Conirtiorcial Aquatics, file.; tw ur (wo/wirmso un, wtw cim, cOUNCII. OF T1111 C7171"Y C�)F BAY'FC-)WN, Section 1: That tile City (� "tmucil o(lie City cit"Baytown, "I-exas, hereby dec laxes. that oil ly one sottrce can satisfy the neccls ofthe C7it.y ftir 11FIC Accu-1-ab Blue st tablets, NSF 54). Section 2; 'Uhat the City C70UTI&I oFthe Chy of Buyumvrn, "rexas, aUthOXQC.1,-, payrnent of-an amou nt. not to exceed AT-41D AJC3/1()O O(DULARtS ($75,000.00), to Progressive Corm-nercial AtImatics, In", as the sole source, tbr the purchase or PPCj Accu-'Fab Blue S1 tablets, NS' 50- Section 3: lWat pursuant to tile provisions orf7emns Lwcal C'mcYvernment Code Annotated § 252J)48, (11C' City Manager is hereby granted general authority to ajilirovu any change order involving at decrease or an inemase in casts W wVVEKIFN"' FINPET whousAmn APM NO/I 00 EMI.I.A RS (525,000.00) or less, awn bjcct to the provision that the origmarl contract pOce, may not tie increased by Orlore than v%venty-flive percent (251/6) or decreased by rnorc than twenty-five percent (25%) %%'ithout the consent or the cant ractor tau stich decrease. Sectif.ln 4 'Mis ordinance shall take cflbct innnedhaco from anti aner Its Immsage L)y the City Comicil col' the City 11WIFFMIA1_.ICITE3, REMO, and PASSE'D by the arrinuative vote ofthe CAM l CknuicH of Zhu CIQ of Baytown, this the I o- cja,�, or March, 201 1. ��I. -I;r 1>1 II.-.N FL DC>NC7ARLC3S, May [3R C' t AP`PR,(-JVl--:,E) AS '1"0 F(-") P- N4 AC 1 C3 PR A N'I I R y or"Cy §Nlawch W',Sc.dcS,(,mceAccu- f r,,, hf3hw-S I atfluts,doc