Ordinance No. 11,595ORDINAN(,T O. 11,595 AN ORDINANCI`� 01Z TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-IE CITY OF BAY"FOWN, TEXAS, RENI"WING 'THE,.' ANNUAL MILL AND OVERLAY CONTRAUf — X110 WITH FORDS CONSTRUCTION, INC.; AUTI-IORIZING PAYMI"N'r BY TI IE CITY oFBAYTOWN, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE' MILLION FIVE HUNDREDTHOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1,500,000.00); ALFFIR)RIZING CHANGF ORDEIR NO. I IN AN ANIOUNTNOT TO EXCEED THREE HUNDRF'D SFVF-'1NTY-I-'IN/E'I 11CUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($375,000,00); MAKING OTI IER PROVISIONS RELATED `l AND PROVIDING FOR THE EF'F'ECTIVF1' DATE 11 IEREOF. WHEREAS, F'orde Construction, ]tic., wasawarded (fie Annual Mill and Overlay Contract on March 11, 2010, pursuant to competitive bidding procedures, which contract included an option by the parties to renew l'or additional one-year periods; and WHERF'AS, such contract may be renewed for ail additional one-year period anti WHERE -I'AS, horde Construction, Inc., has indicated its willingness to renew, file contract for ail additional year Under the same ternis and conditions; and WFIERI�AS, the Administration has reviewed the market conditions and recommends renewal as being in the best interest of (tic City; NOW THER ["IFOR 11 BE II" ORDAINED BY TI CITY C0UN(-1L OF THE" CITY OFHAYTOWNj-EXAS: Section 1: That tile City Council of the City of Baytown hereby renews the contract of Forde Construction, Itic., I'm the Annual Mill and Overlay Contract— 2010 and authorizes paytlient in an aniount not to exceed ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRI"IDTHO USA ND AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS ($1,500,000,00) based upon the unit prices specified in the Annual Mill and Overlay Contract --2010. Section 2: 1. hat the (lily Council does hereby authorize Change Order No, I with forte Construction, [tic., for the 2010 Mill and Overlay Project air(] authorizes paymen(in an amount not to exceed THREE HUNDRED SF,VEN'TY-F IVETHOUSAND AND NO/ 100 DOLLARS ($375,000,00) based upon the Ullit Prices specified ill tile Annual Mill and Overlay Contract 2010. A copy ofsaid change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 3: This ordinance shall take cfleel irrulledialely from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCF,I), READ and PASSED by file affinualive v(A le City Council ot'llic City of Baytow n this the I O'�' (lay of March, 2011. � " I C, ST1,A)HEN 11, DONCARLOS, Ma ,y h0rdinances\201 I\Nbrch I Am I - 0 0 Exhibit "'A" CITY OF BAYTOWN Change Order No. 1 2011 Annual Mill & Overlay Project February 28, 2011 This Change Order is for the increase of the contract by 25%. This will aHow the for the City to take advantage of competetive pricing. Revised Contract Amount Contract Summary: Fcarne Construction Company, Inc. Date Director of Engineering Date I Director of Finance Date City Manager Date