Ordinance No. 11,585OR DINAN (" F"NO, 11,585 AN ORDINAN(J', OFTHE(117Y COUNCIL OF-144E, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND MANAGLR AND CITY CL1.iRK TO FXI-','CUTE AND AT"I"t"ST 1 '0 A CON'] " RACT WITH Lf" Nl CONSTRUCTION CO., INC,., FOR THF, WEST DISTRICT WAS11,�IWA-IT"R THE `M I". NT PLANT F"XIIANSION PROJECT- OPTION 2 (WWTP ONLY); AUTI-IORIZIN(,'j I)AYMI-NT Of" A SUM OF EIGIITI`,A'-1'N MILLI(I)N' FlIGI-IT HUNDRE'D N1NI-`�TY-TI1RE1-1' 'THOUSAND NINE FRJNDRED AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($18,893,900.00), AUTHORIZING MAKING OT TIER PROVISIONS RE'LATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR "I'l IE F1F'1,T1'CTIVl", DATETI I[,--"REOF. WI II -REAS, the City Council of the City of'Baytown did advertise For bids lor tile West District WasteNv!atei-'I"i-eatttiiei,ltill,iiitExi),iiisioti project to be received oil January ,26,201 1; and WHE'REAS, notice to bidders as to tire lime and place, when and where the bids would be publicly opened and read alotid was published pursuant to provisions cal, I'exas Local Government Code Annotate(] § 25104 1; and WFIEREAS,all bids were opened and publicly read at City Hall at 2:0O oclock p.m., Wednesday, JallUary 26,2011, as per published notice to bidders; NOW TH FIRE'FOR F BF, 11" ORDAINED BY TI Its ,'TFY COUNCIL OF TI IU1' CITY OFBAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section L ']'Ila( the City Council of' the City, of Baytown hereby accepts the bid of' LILM Construction Co,, Inc., for the West District Wastewater Treatment Plant I'Aparlsion Pr()j ,ject according to the plans and specifications set l'orth by the City's engincer for the base bid of'Option 2 (1vVWTP only), and authorizes payinent of ain amount of I11GIFIT"FIN MILLION FIGHT HUNDR F" D NINE TY-TTIREE 'ril(A)SAND NINE" ; I-lUNDRE,D AND NO/100 I")OLLARS ($ 18,893,900.00); based upon file unit prices specified in the bi(t and the City Managerand the City Clerk cal" the City are hereby authorizcd and directed to execute and attest to as contract, with LFM Construction Co., Inc., For the above described project, said contract containing the plans, specifications, and requirements of the City's engineer all(] appropriate bond requirenlents in accordance with the provisions of Texas Gove rn file lit Code, Chapter 2253. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of 'Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 251048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involvinga decrease or an increase in costs of' TWENT"ll-I"IVE THOUSAND AND NO/10t O DOLLARS ($25,00(l.00) Or ICSS, SUI)jUt to the provision that tile original contract price may not be increased by inure than twerity-five percent (25%) or decrease(] by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take ellect immediately from City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODIJCI`�'.-D, RFIAD and PASSI"I'D by the aftn-niative vow of Baytown tIli,,s4* 't , rlaay of'February, 2011 " 1011V �11 V A,r r X� WK �h 0 A% r [ "'c� d, ,, wiffamw1wilw0m. APPROVI',J) ASTO FORM: Z4ZM10 RAM IRE'Z, SR., it Attorney R 1� A, vil i Vcs Cia y Ommic i V 0E �J i n a uwc &I ct,,m,xT y - 4 A w d W e i [1) r w Ic I "'a A I Cwhi erl e Amvnflll et, 0 +gsa"mu iNo r°, :¢ d,", after its passage by the City Council of the City of DONCARLOS, Mayor