Ordinance No. 11,582ORDINANCE NO. 11,582 AN ORDINANCT'. OF ]"HE CITY C',0UNCIL, Of" THF, CITY OF BA OWN, TF'XAS, ACC1.41"FING ffll,f HOME 01" Tl'lf AR]" LFAGUF, PR0.JF.,,,CT, A(YFHOKIZINGi FINAL PAYMF',NT OF TILF SUN! (*" ELEVEN THOI.JSAND TWO FILINDRI",l) NINI,-,TY-TW0 AND 23/100 DOLLARS (SI 1_292,23) ,-Co MONTGOMERY BUILDING SERVICES, LLC, R)R SAID PROJECT; AND PROVIDING F(H01111 EFFf`C'1]VF, I')ATf',THERI-",0F, WHEREAS, Me Chy of Hapown contl-aetcd %vith Montgomery Building Services, LI-C, for the I Ionic orthe Art League Iflect the "Projuct"I and WHERE,,AS, all of tire saicl improvernents, as provided in the plans and sliccificaticnis, heretofore prepared by the City's engineer and as alt uowd and adopted by the City Council have been performed and completed in AM accoMance mrith all ofthe ternis and conditions of the a0v0d contrua; and WHEREAS, the GW's engineer in file inanner pnnided by the terms oFthe said contract and tile plans and specificarions thercob has approved and accepted be Home of Me Art Lca�,,,ue Project, has herctoforc issued his Cer-tMeme of Firial Acceptance, has cerdfied same to the (City C'ouncil, and has recornmended that it accept and recciN,e said work and improvements as constructed and cornWeted by Coral-acumi anti WHEREAS, there rtmaks due and owhg w Montgomej BuHding Services, LISA the sum of ELEVEN THOUSAND ]WO I JUNDRF,D NfNFTY-TMT ANA3 23100 DOLLARS 01 L29213; NOW THEREFORE Bl,,-' 11" (iRDAINII) BY --TIE CITY COI.JNCTIL OF T1 1F CATN," OF BAYTOM/N,TEXAS: Section 1: "I beet the Chy Council hereby accepts aml approves (lie, abo ve-descri bed Nvork and improvernerilm and finds and determines that all of said hriprovenients have been ca nipleted as provided in the plans and specificatkms themob and in full accordance with aril or die tams and pnwisions or we aRnmaid Contract, Section 2: That Me QnMcme of' Final Acceplatice Ircretol'ore issued by the City's engineer and certified to tile City, Council is hereby accepted alid received. sectiml 3: Tmt final paynwnt to Monjol-nery Buillng Semkcq LLC, in be arnown of ELEVEN THOUSAND]WO HUNDRF'.4) NINjunrwo AND 231100 1011-,ARS ($11,292 23) is hereby authorized. Section 4: "Ilis ordinance shall take effect innuediatey awn and after its passage by, the City Cou n C i I o C tile C", ity of Bayto %,v 11 INTROD(JCED, R[°Al) and PASSED by tile affirmad,', vole (")I flie,"'City (,'oullcil or tile ("ity of Baylonvii this the 240 day of kbrumy4 2011, APPROVI'l) A'5"I'O FORM: ACIO RAMIREY, SR, City It ImuWalty dov ST`I,,-',Pj4f-,N H. D0NCARLC)S, Mayor