Ordinance No. 11,581ORIANANCI-1 NO, 11,581 AN ORDINANCE" OF THE" CHY COUNCIL OF I'l If, " ( ATY 01" BAY TOWN, TLXAS, AND F,XVI ' )NMOBIL SLAIMER YOUTH 'NORK PRO(AW1 , - ALY11-10IMM"i PAYME"N]" IN AN AMOLW]"' NOT TO E-XCEED ONE' HINDI THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOIJ,ARS ($100,000.00); AND PROVIVANG FOR IICC EFFT'ICTIVE* DATETHERE10F W)IF"REAS, tile Mayor's Sunimer Youth \Vork Prograrn was, re-created by (ouncilas as pilot pn,)granl ill April of'2006; and Wl 111"REAS, over (lie past four years the Mayor and ExxonMobil SUIllirier Work Program (the "Program") has served over. 100 students who have worked ill various departments assisting with typing, filing, shredding, cleaning public areas, painting, trafflic, public works, actill ill istrative support and variotis rather ass ign nients ; and W14FREAS, ill 2011, tile City is expected to eniploy through the Frogram 20-25 youth bew,cen flicages of 16 - 18 years old who reside in the Goose Creek onsolidated Inclependent School District area, and WHUREAS, the students selccted for participation in the Program will begin work oil Monday, )title 20, 2011, and will hey assigned to various departments to perform varioris non-hazardotisjobs, and \VI JEREAS, the City Council of (lie ("ity of' Baytown believes the Program will be inost beneficial to the youth of tile Baytown arca as well as to all citizens ofthe City', NOW —I 11FREFORF, BF IT ORDAINED BY TI IE CITY (201 INCIL OF TI II'. CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEIXAS: Section 1: 'rhat tile city council of tile City of Baytown hereby authorizes the Mayor and F"xxonMobil Suninler Youth Work Program f'or the summer rat" 20'1 1. Section 1: That tile City Council of, (lie City of Baytown authorizes funds in an aniount Tiot to exceed ONI'-.' HUNDRED THOUSAND ANb NO/100 DOLLARS (S10(),000.00) for the Program authorized in Section I hercinabove. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect iminedlately Frorn and af its passage by the City Council of" the City elf' Baytown. 'ity of' Baytown INTRODUCY"D, REIAD and PASSE'D by the affirmative vote or th'?"Ot"N' ("millcil of (lie C this than 24"' day of February, 201 L /7 1 1 "/� APPROVED AS I0 FORM: MIREZ, SR., S 11 al 111:N 1-1. DONCARLOS, iMayor R "Ime I M: i I es%City Co tin cil"khtfinmices\20 I 1\rcbruaty -14"MayotsSumma Yn tit hflrogtarti doc