Ordinance No. 11,578ORDINANCE" NO. 11,578 AN ORDINANCE OFTI-11-1' CITY COUNCIL Ol"THE CITY OF BAYT(:iWN,TEXAS, AUTHORIZING 111E PAY" 1.`1NT OFONE 1,11JNDRED FORTY-SEEN THOU SAND EIGHT HUNI)RED SEVENTY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($147,875,00) TO DALLAS D(JDGE`CI-IRYSIJLR )I -IEPI'I]RoI,J(.;11'1'1,11-'IiOt,;S'I'ON-GAI.,Vl?S'I'ON AREA COUNCIL I"ORTHE PURCHASE 01 ONE" (1 1) NEW AMBULANCE WITH FRAZER TYPE I 14'GE-NERATOR PMVF.RED A 201 1 DODGE RAM 4500 6.7L DIESEL CHASSIS FOR T1-IE I'll"ALTI-I DEPARTMI"NT; MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS AND PROVIDING FOR RTHF- FIT`F'CT1VE DATE T] IEREOF, WHEREAS, lite City Council ofthe City, ot'llaytown has approved art Interlocal Agreement which alr(1101-iZeS tile HOLIStOn-Galveston Area Council to take bids fior certain items oil behalf(A'the City offlaylown-, and Wl IE"REAS, pursuant to such agreement, the I'loustoll-Galvcston Area Council has taken bids 16r one (1) new anibulancewith 1razerType 1 14' genera lor powered module mounted oil as 2011 Dodge Rant 4500 6"71, diesel chassis; NOW ]"HER EFO R L", I'.1F'lTORDAINED BY TI 11' CITY COUNCIL OFTIJECATY OF BAYT(1')WN,TEXAS; Section 1: That the City Council of the City offlaytown hereby authorizes the payment ol'ONF,' H(JNDRF'D FORTY-SI'VEN -11101 1SAND EIGHT I IUNDRED SEVFNTY-FlVF1AND NO/I 01) DOLLARS ($ 147,, 75,00) to Dallas I")odge Chrysler Jeep through tile Houston-Galveston Area Council for tile purchase of one (1) new ambl,11,111CC with Frazer "I'ype 1 14' generator powered module 11101111ted call a. 2011 Dodge Ram 4500 6.71... diesel chassis for tile Health Depannient, Section 2: That pursuant to tile Provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease car an inerease in costs SAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000,00) or less, provided that tile original contract price inay not be increased by mca re than twenty-five percent (25'Mo) or decreased 13y , more than twenty-five percent (25 %) xvilhout the consent ofthe contractor to SLIC11 decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take eftlect immediately firom and after its passaoc by tile City COLHICil of'the City ofBaytown, INTRODUCED, REAl.) and PASSI"'D by tile affirmative vote oftl - ity Council ofthe City of Baylowli this the I 0't'day of February, 2011 . ky APPROVED ASTO FORM: . ......... ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., Ci tonley �Rll Ci tiiortl I�Fchnmry I O'A 1GACAmbu1,,mQe dm�, 1-1, DONCARLOS, Mayor