Ordinance No. 11,575ORDINANCE NO. 11,575 AN ORDINANCE OF TI JE CITY COUNCIL OFTHEI CITY OF'BAYTOWN, TIIXAS, ACCII ' PTINGTHEBID OF WASTE MANAGEMEN'I"OFTEXAS, INC,, SUCCESSOR IN INTERES'F TO CITY WASTE', INC., FOR THE"'ANNUAL ROLL-OFF CONTAINER SERVICE'S CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CH" Y OF BAYTOWN, 'I"FIE SUM 01,' ONI HUNDRED NINETY41VE. THOUSAND SIX HUNDRI-D I'll• TY AND NO/100 I)OLLARS ($195,650.00); MAKING' OTFIER PR (.)VISIONS AND PROVIDING F'ORTHE EFTECTIVUl' DATE 'FHEREOF W1 JEREAS, Waste Management OfTCUS, I1lC._9L1CCC.SSo1- ill interest (o City Waste, Inc., was awarded the Annual Roll-01TContainer Smices Contract oil May, 8, 2008, pursuant to competitive bidding promftffeS, wideli contract included all optioll by the parties to rellew for additional one-year periods; and Will"RF"AS, such contract was renewed January 8, 20 09, and November 24, 2009, and can be renmed again for an additional one-year term; and WHE'RI-1AS, Waste Management ofTexas, Inc., has indicated its willingness to renew the contract Ibr an tidditional year under (lie sarne ternisand conditions; and WI 11. the Administration has revie\ved file niarketconditionsareal recommends renewal as being in the best interest ofthe City; NOW '11-11"'REFORE' 131' IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CoUNCIL OFTH[:'� CITY OF" l3AYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of (lie City ofBaylown hereby renews the AMILIal 8011-Off Container Services Contract with Waste Management of `T Inc., fear the sure ofONF.*1 I-ILJNDRFD NINETY-FIVE"ITIOUSAND SIX HUNDRED F"IFT"Y AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS, ($195,650.00), which is inclusive ofa 25% change order, and authorizes payment thereo'. Section 2: This ordinance shall lake effect immediately Council ofthe City of l3aytown. INTRODUCED, REIAD and IIASSE'D by file affirmative Baytown th is tile I 0'fi day of Fcbruary, 2011, T11 V 13 R Q, A Ro I)]) I M: LZae c—]G`KACIO RAMIREZ, SR., City Att n ie ll 11 tt and after its passage by the City the City Council of the City of' NCARLOS, rVI