Ordinance No. 11,574C)R,1)1N.A,NC1'.'NO. 11,574 AN (DRIDINANCAL OF WFIIH Cl-1-Y CMUNC111. (31: '11 HE CTI"if OF BAY-11JIMN, "FIEXAS, It IEP411 %A/ INOWIECUNTRACTI-C317 13A,N"IT)VWN I,'-. [A'C"U'RICCOM PA N"Y' FO TI I U', ANN UAL ELF,C-l"'It, ICA L MO'VOR CWq TROL CENWER SUR N/ IC 1% C0N'J"RA,C"T` A NDA UTI JORIZING 1'AY191 IWAT BY 11 HE MYY (-.)F- BAN-rourp, -rim stj Do ov cm Fv t I im mazis"n im i sAP4 13 Aso r) N(,-)/100 DOLL-ARtS ($100,000.(0); MAKING PROVISIC")NS AND PRovinipw toom -rum F?FFFC"FIVF. F)A-FL, 'F] %VIIEREAS,E%51o%vn Illectric Company was awnt-ded tile ANnitial 111ect rica I N1 c'Nior Co I '(-,,'e I I ter services (L-'(')ntract ori April 24, 2008, pursuant to conipoUtive bldcUng Iwocedures, which con"Mcl, included an (q)Ption by the Inu-t[cs to renew for additional oncowar pet-Ods; and WI IEREAS, such contract was renewed oil NA-arch 26, 2009, mid March 1 1, 20104 and can be renewed ngaiii ft.)ran additional one-year terns; and W! HKIPWAS, Baytown L-,lec"ic CAmnpany has indicated in %vUlingness to renew the conOnct Ar a" addhixmml year nricler tile sarne terms and ccinclitions; and MAMMAS, the Adi-nin[st"Won has reviewed die nwukel ecriulitions arwi reconintends renev*,al its beirls, in the best interest (,Wthe City; No%,N,,' T[ 1311 11" OTMA.1041113 1131" Miff CUTY (W)UNCHI (-:)1' 'I"] OF 'I'l-,XAS: Section 1: 'rhat tile rcity co"neu orthe Chy orBaytown hemby renews tile contract ol-Baylown U-1cetric Corripriny For the Annual lilectricall Motor Control Center Scrv-iccs CanUnct for the stun nFONIT FIEWMIUM3 THOUS A NID AND NJ 0/100 173OLLA, It S QI 00,00M00), and aut I ic-,)rizes paynient. thereof" Section 2: 'I'llat pursuant to (lie provisi,oris of"I'exas Uncal Cloverrunent Code Annotated §252.04R, the City, Manager is hereby granted gerierld authority to afrimove any chnnge order involving a decrease cw am increase in Costs -1-1 MUSANO ANID NCWI 00 D("A-L.,ARS ($25Q00.00) or less, provide<:l that tile original contract pHec niay not be increased by ti,iorc than twunW-five percent (2551) cm decreased lay^ itaoi-Q, than A N-,,Q rity- live J-)CF-celit (2 51 40) witilout the Consent ot'llic Qontractcn- Ur) Such CIeCFQa1';Q. Section 3: 'U"s ord0unce shall take Whot UnimiedhUcly nwrn and after J� pkxssage by tile City Councit of tile, C "it'y (.)]' Daytow'n. IN-l'ROI---)L)CET3, and PASS"F�'" by the aninnative vacate c)xthc Council ofthe'City ()fj3aYI("3w11 this t I i c 10"' d a N, cat F e ;p,ki r k -,,, 2 0 1 1 ;W nz—ac 1% M I li rk tin P1"R(WI--:X) AS '1"0 1° (-,)1tN,1: S-V-1111 HETT-f-T- E30,NCA lt.I,X�)S, Nla:yor Acene"A renua!E mete W Nlo"nc Onmact doc