Ordinance No. 11,573( RDINANCTM, . ), 11,573 AN ORDINANCE 01" T111", CITY COUNC.H., OF THE CITY OF BAYTONVN, TL`XAS, RENEWING "1 l IL'CONTRACTOF13 Ay'roWN U' LECTIC IC COMPANY 1.ORTI-11"A N I NUAL FIL ECTR [CAI, S I`1RV ICES CONTRA CTAN AND UTI 10 R I ZING PA Y NI l"N'113 YTH E C ITY OF BAYTOWN, THF' SUM 01�'' TWO HUNDRF"D THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($200,000,00); MAKING 01TIER PROVISIONS AND PROVIDING I"OR TI 111", EFF ECTI VE, DATETI-11,"RF OF. WHERL'AS, Baytown Electric ("onipany wvasawardcd the Annual f"dectrical Services Contract on April 24, 2008, pursuant to competitive bidding procedures, which contract inclUdcd an option by the parties to renew for additional one-year periods; and \VI IEREAS, such contract wvas renewed on March 12, 2009, nand February 11, 201 0, and can he renewed again for an additional one-year term; and W[ H.-.'RI',AS, Baytown Flectric COnipany I indicated its NN ill ingness to renew the contract for an additional Veal' Under the same ternis and conditions; and WI-IERI,','AS, the Adininistration has reviewed (tie market conditions and recommends renewal as being in the best interest cal" the City-, N0W,ri-iER1'.,"i,'oRE BI."-" IT ORDAINED BYTI IE CITY COUNCIL Of" "I It, CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: 'rhat the city council onhe city of'Baytown hereby renews the contract of'Baylown Electric ompany For the Annual Electrical Services, Contract for the sum o1'T\VO I 1UNDREIDTHOUSAND AND NO/ I 00 DOLLARS ($200,000.00), and authorizes payment thercot. Section 2: That pursuant toa the provisions of"I exas Local Government Code Annotate(] §252,048, tile ( I '.1ity Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving as decrease or an increase in costs of `I "" T] IOUSAND AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) or less, provided that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (250/'0) or decreased by more than twenty- live percent (25%) without the consent ot'the contractor to SUCII deCrCaSC. Section 3: This ordinance shall take cNect immediately froin and as tile City of Baytown. i INTRODUCED, READ and PASSI'D by the alfirmative vote of"th the 10"' day oat 'F-,gb - '101 1 IN, cs g,V ATT T 1 CIA APPROVED AS TO FORM: �- NA'CI0 RAMIREZ, SR., 7 'it i norney passage by the City Council of' of,the City of Baytown this I DON( "ARLOS, M