Ordinance No. 11,571ORDINi\NCEI NO. 11,571 AN ORDINANCE 01" THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THF ary OF BAY'rOWN, °ITXAS, RI.-M-AVING THE ANNUAL JANITORIAL, SEIRVICES CONTRACT WITH MCLENIORI,," BUILDING MAIN-i-ENANCE, INC., AND ALVITIORIZING PAYNIEN'T 13Y THEI CIT)" OF BAYTOWN, THE SUM OF ONE" 11lJNDIZ17D F01JR THOUSAND THRIT HUNDRED TWENTY-171VI'' AND 60/100 DOLLARS ($104,325.60); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS AND PROVIDING FOR THE' WI II I "E'AS, Mel-emore Bui Id ing Maintenance, Inc., was awarded tile A nnua I hinitoria I Services Contract on March 26, 2009, PLITSuam to competitive bidding procedures, which contract included -,"in option by the parties to renews t'OT additional one-year periods; and W1 1131REAS, such contrae(was renewed oil humary 28,2010, and can be renewed fear anadditional one-year term; and \VI-11"REAS, McLemore Building Maintenaticc, Inc., lias indicated its willingness to renew tile contract for an additional year under (lie sarne terms and conditions; an(] WHEREAS, the Adli-iinistration has reviewed the iliarket conditions an(] recornmends rcrimal as being, in tile best interest of the City-, NOW THERETORF BF.' ]TORDAINE'D BY THE CITY COUMAL OF THE', CTI-Y OF BAYTONVN, TEIXAS�. Section 1: That tile City Council of the City of Baytown hereby renews tile Contract of McLemore Building Maintenance, Inc., for the Annual Janitorial Services ontract for tile SUM of ONE HUNDRED 1'OLJR `rrI0LJSANf) TFIRF"I". HUNDRFID TWENTY-FIVE AND 60/100 DOLLARS ($10-1,325.60), nand authorizes payment thereof. , Section 2: "I'liat pursuant to the provisions ofTexas Local Goverrinient Code Annotated §252.0,18, the City Manager is herelly granted general authority to approve any change order involving as decrease or all increase in costs of 'TWE'NTY-FIVE JTIOUSAN D AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS ($25,,000.00) or less, provided that tile original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (251/1)) without tile consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: "I'llis ordinance shaall takeeffi ct immediately fi-ornam fi r its passage by the City Council of the City of' Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ anal PASSED by the affirmative vote o tile, I oli'dav 2011 11)1� ( I 0 I " , 1, v I t j "N FNS Ik A I ST,,/ 13 i 'Clerk I I I' C 1 1:11 A PPROV Ed) AS TO FORM,- ea4,X iNACK) RAMIRF4 SR., Ci doc ty Council ofthe City ofBaytown this 11 DONCARLOS, Nfilyor