Ordinance No. 11,563C)IDINANC.L-.'NC). 11,563, A N 0 It D I N ANC E 0 F ..hl I I i CI TY CM E J 14 C 11. OF T I I I i C711 "I" C:)1' 13, A'Y" FC-) XV N1 " TV-. X it S, ALYMORIZINO A. MAS"MR SITI-IMENVIENT XVIT11 J- JENNINOS INVL"-,S'FMEN-rm i.j", mi, jit. 'i-MUST, AN13 P()SENIARN' JIE'.NNIN('..3S FANIII-` TR,VJS'I' CC)NCIMNING civii. i-vurilm PN('�). 3:09-1C W-00239; .1. -IENNIN(;�,; 1A'VJ--S71A1L'Af7:Y, L.P_ 1-'T AK, V CITY' (JI-' BA)"TC)Pf'N, TEXAN, .4L- IN 1-11U, W41,11113 SMVFITS , DISAVICT coull-l-, scmi-rill-AkN i,-ms"rum cm -rimAs, (-,'Al.VESTCYN DYVISIC)N AND PIWVIIAINC FOR 4-HE IA:FL-,C-I"VVE L)?\TT` WHEREOF. Idly rr witty I N 1•:1:) BY Al I I -, CA TY C( :) I JN CA 1- 0 F 'I'll E C, F] -V O I-' 112% N- FC) NN,':N. 'I T`�'XA S: Section I I'llat OVC Cit3,1 C'UMICH at" Elie City (,',Wf 13aylov.,11, Tcx.ts, hercl-t.y authorizes the Interim City Manager tc) exectite and tile CICI-k to attest to a Master Se"lentent. Agreeinent Nvith J. „lcnmutj!,, Investunents, 1. AI JCQ, Jr. af1jCI ]JI (4),, C r I t , kry, JQnfliligs F.atrtily TI-tv"t conceriting-, Civil Aclion No. 3:M)-ev-00239;.A Iempiiigs bovesidwello)., /-P., ol ('11.. %,. (-'Vo, Tc�xas, vial, in the Wited States District Court, St nithem District ofl-cmis, C3alveston Division, upon, terms and Conditions acceptable to the Interim N11artager and the Cily Attorney substantially sbudar to those contained At Exhibit -A," "Mich is wachad hercum and incox-Imraued hercan 1 "t3r all Views and putrp"scs. Section 2: 'Uhis ordinance shan take enuct hrimnedimact, a"na and aver- Us passage by,, the City Council c.of tile City, of Baytwvjk. ---77 READ and PASSME) the affirmativc vote City Council (W the C"ity of, Daytown this the 27'h day ol"J.,inuary, 201 1. 1"11;1',N I-1- DC)NCARLOS, Mayor Z 'T: - 71 Wok ell APPROVE,I)AS 'FC3 FC)RNI: i� HIZITA -ic c &ii%,- -,\7 X N, "ACIC.) x 71 —It �-- — .5 C 1 a y x t u o r n c 5,