Ordinance No. 11,558ORJ-,��INANCFI NO. 11,558 AN ORDINANCE 01--f-1EE. CFFY COUNCIL CAE= FTI-117- CFF-Y 1 BJA, Y1-OWN, -t-l-:7XAS, Al E-'NDINO S1---C,-I'[C)N 2 OF (,)RDINANCL--1 NO. 1 1,542, 13ASSEID BV THE CITY COUNCIL OF -FHE C1-I-Y (-)I- BAYT'OWN 40N JANUAI-tV 13, 2011, W1 I IC11 AU'1-1-101-UZED A PRQFESSIC.XNA1.. SERVICE CON -.1'12.AC'I' W E II OANNENBALJM EN011�4EWRING C0RPOf1-'A'1'K)N FOPt TVIE: FIN.Al., DESIGN OF' C12.AICIN14ON't" E'S'l-ATE'S S-FORM SEWER REMEDIA.-FIC-)N PIZOJEC-F, TO, INCREASE -FI-IE AN40UN'T APPROVEED '1'0 ADD FIVE T11OJJSANE1 AND NO/100 DOLL-ARS ($5,000.00) FOR REIM BURSA 131-1--' EXPU-7NSFS; AN]-3 PROVII >1NO FOR THE El:-'I:--EC'I'IVE OATEN THEREOF. * * * * * * * * 4 ** *+F*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * � * * * * * 1317- VF ORDAINED BY TTIE CI'l-Y COUNCIL OF CITYOU BAYTOWN,'I'EXAS: Section I: I-hat the City COLLI'lCil of the City oTBk%yto\vi-i,'l"exas, hereby an-tends Section 2 of Ordinance No, 11,542, passed by the City COLKICH of" the City of Baytown on January 13, 201 1, xvilich authorized a Professional Service Contract with DallneribaLini LE.ngiriecring Ccsrporatiori f -or the fim,,,fl design ofCraiginont Prc)ject, to read as follows: Section 2: -I'hat the City Council of tile City of Baytovvrl 4rtuthc'-wizes, payineva to 0anneribaurn EnginCCJ-i11g Corporation in .11-1 nxnraolant not to exceed ONE ]-]U-Nf.:)RED- NINE'-I'Y-EIGl1'T' 'I'lJOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FC)UR-I'EEHN AND 10/100 DOI-,I-Al-',S ($198,514.10) for engillecrilig services ill, accordance -with the agrecrilent aIlthorized in Section I hercinabove. Section 2: "that the hiterini City N/lamiager is hereby granted general aUtIvority to approve a decrease or an iticrease in cc)sts, by 'I'l-1,01USANn AND NO/100 DOLA.,ARS ($25,000.00) or less, provided that the anac>nnnnt axntEnox rccl ill SCC6011 I as arl'iended in this carol zaaance 11flay not be increased by triore than twenty-five„ percent (251/o)- IN'1-1;?-,OD'L,JCED, RI-iAD, and PASSILD by theaff-h-inative votedi'the City Courteil, of-the City of Bayto,wri, this the 27"' day of.lantlary, 201 1. Z I DONCA14,*L-OS, Mayor 17. f,E'T',J(-"JA BRYSCH_Cit y CU APP Rov4-z,b AS,-170 FORM: xv KACIO RAN/IlRt�-:Z, SR., Ci Itorney Pd.mm.-y ..... tF.I.t—St .. ']c-