Ordinance No. 11,555ORDINANCf," NO. 11,555 AN ORI)INA NCI, ,-'01,'I'l-Il-Cl'[')'COUNC'[1. Ol"ITIE'ary OFBAYTOWN, TFI�XAS, ACC ]"PT BID OF PASKEY INCORPORATED 1"(yRTI-11H I0-INC 1 I WATLIIR LINE NEAR 1223 1-,AST FREF-,""1AY PRO)FCTAND AUTHORIZIN(i PAYMEN`FBY T'IIE CITY OF BAYTOWN, JTIE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED 11 I­,TY-TI-1R ;E THOUSAN 1) TWO I ILJN DR L'D SIX AN 1) 46/100 DOLLARS ($153,206.46); M AKING C)9 TI I ER P RO V I SION S RE- L ATI"I'DTH ER F"I"O: AN1)11ROVIDINCa FOR TI I E EFFFCTI V E I'M11"'111HROF, ********* * **4 ****** * * * * ** *** * * * ****** ***** ** *** * * *** * * *** * * ** ** *#* * ***.. * *, ** WIIERI`AS, the City Eng inner adverfised fi,)rbids for the 10-Inch Waterl-incNear 1223 E'astFreeway Project to be received November 9, 2010; and WHEREAS, notice to bidders as to the tinge anal place, when and where the contrae(would be let was published pursuant to tile provisions ofThapter 252 of the Texas Local (3overnment Code; and \VI IEREAS, all bids %vere opened and publicly read at the Baytown City I fall at 1:30 pn.,Tuesday, November 9,2010,as per published notice to bidders; NO I1 B' IT ORDAINED 13Y TI 11', CITY COUNCIL OFTI-11" CITY OFBAYT0WN,TF`XAS: Section 1: That tile City Council of the City of Baytown hereby accepts tile bid offlaskey Incorporin,ed, for the I 0-hich Witter Line Near 1223 East Freeway Pro.ject for the warn of ONI", 11UNDRI'D Fii,,"r,-,i,t�iREE'1'1-10(,ISAND'I'WC) HUNDRED SIX AND 46/100 DOLLARS ($153,206.46) and authorizes payment thereof*, and the Interim City Manager and tile City Clerk of the City are hereb.),, authorized and directed to execute and attest to a contract, with Paskey Incorporated, I'or the above-described work, said C011117ad C011tailling 1110 P1,111S, specifications, and requirements of the City Engineer and appropriate bond reqUirernents in accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2253. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of "I'exas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048, tile City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involvinga decrease gar an increase in costs ofTWENTY-FIVET1 IOU SA N I7 AND N0/100 IDOLLARS($25,0(I0,00)or less, subJect to the provision that the original contract price: may not be increased by more than twemy-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25'Mo) without the consent of the contractor to SLICII decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect fininediately from and after its passage by tile City Council of the City ofBaylown. (�7 INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the ity COLInCil Of the City 01' Baytown this tile 27'1° day of J'anuary, 2011, 1 N 4 S'I IE N O T CAR LOS, M allor � -T,� S11% 1-1-l"TICIA BRYSCI I, Cit-, erk APPROVI'D ASTO FORM: Al, N, I() 1C tM RAKuren\1-)1es\0ty PJanuary 27Award I 0-i tic h Mu ed it tellroject. d oc