Ordinance No. 11,549( 7FLDINANCE NO. 11,549 .AN OR 1) I NA, N C I- (-,1F^ .F1 1 F' (_-, 11'j,' CO IJ N C1 I w ClF -Y[ I L` ' - 'FFY OF"B./%YT()WN, TFXAS, -%V0 1 [UNDREDAND P,,\YN4LN-l- OF" NO/100 D1C,)L,1_ARS (S56,200.00) TO INC., TT1R'(:)LJC.3l1'111E' AREA CC,_AJNClL F' OR -1-1 [F FIGHT (8) GFIS Of"'FICONA lNJ_F1+,'SL.C'1_10N SYSIT-IMS; MAKINO 0-111ER PR'OVISIONS AND PROV IF.)] N(,-m, FOR'YVIE D2XTF, TJ I L--'R FO I ". WHE'REAS, the City Council ol-the City cal" Bnytowtl has ;qlliroved an Interlocal Agreement which alLaI1101-iZ.CS 01C I Area Cu'Llneil to t-ake bicis for certaill iteulls oil Loellalf'ol'the cits", cofBa.)"Act"N'll; and WFIERL-_�AS, ptirsuant to such 'agreelliQl1t, the F low ton- Oalvestop Arc aCmincil has taken bids fio: r eight (8) C: 1 "'S 1013ticoin intersection Systerm,,,,; Nc3W'Vl IF'RFFORE 13E FF(DRDAFNL D BY'Fl1E'CYf'Y COUNCIL OP -l"HUCH"Y (DF l3A.Y_1'(.),WN, -I-E XAS: S;CCli0FI I 'I'llat the City Council 01- the City of- I'll ay,,town hei-Qby Mlt1J(>T-iZeS 01C j).l:yFlICj11 01, 2 '56,200.00) to F1'F_1'Y-SJX THOUS-e% N 1), TWO I R 1 N DFU,[_�) ANL) NO/] 00 L>01,LARS (S coultrols, Inc., through the Avt:a Cotiricil 16r the purchase of eight (8) CIFIS Oplicorn intersection Systeirls, Sectioll That pursuant to the provisions of- Local Code Annotated §252M,M the City Manager is hereby granted general clUtI101-ity to ai;,lpr,c>vt;, an- ,,, change order involving a clecreascoran increase ill IOUSANL) ANU.3 NO/100 7D4C)1__1.ABS ($25,000.00)cw les,s, provided that the kwiginat coniract price may not Ule increa-see by more thaii twent- -9`ive percerit (2591,1�) or decreasod t)y 11101-c th-an I\Nrenty-fivc percent (251?4,�) .vitlicnit tile ec)II-scill of-the ccmlractor to such decreasQ_ Section 3: This, orchitance shall take efTect immo-diatoty frcnl and all, it age b-N, dick".'ity Council of-the City ot'l3aytown. Fti-LAD •ncl Pj\.SSE13 by tile afl-irillative volk.` of- the'eity Coullcit of' the City of this Ille 13 "' day of'.) an uary,, 201 1, 61" ]'R (_r) V A,S,'['C,) FC_')R7N4: Y Syf,,-"Pl IF.�f"3". D(_)NC ARL(,_)tS, Mayor \%a:obsry VNJcg!,akKa tre I It I It CMorc I it I ances"'20 0 1 \Janualy 1 3 A I U ACA JIm tcort t¢ ticu;vc I lofksyst�rl is d< vc