Ordinance No. 11,548C)1<1_31NA NC' U,t NO. 11,548 AN WRE31NANCTE OF T1 IF, CTFY +�.OIQQ(711. OF TFIE C" "FY OF' f,3A"%'T(.`)WN, *171"Z"XA<�"' Au'riwFurtN,o P'AYNIEN'T OF SIXTY-NIOAH ITIC3USAND www'r uwpmww:) SlACKY AND N'(_)/I 00 ($69.860.00) "ITT DOCKAorr IJL`,AVY MAC'] IINEU�,N' Sl.-'RVIC.J..-S cwtipmu. txDR—I'l IE PLJRC.-tJAS,E_C)F UNN (I ) 201 1 .142311I1 DISERE 3 10.1 B/A'C,KI IOL°: LOADFF?, FOR, JTIF� PU11LIC W(.)RKS IDEPAWYMEANT; NIAKINCi wrium mwovisIONS REI.ATITE3 WHERITITT AND ITC. VI FOR THE El:F'EC."YIVF_' DA"FE NA11-11ATE-AS, the City Council of'the City c.)f'Bayt,o,,N,n has apl.m-oved all Interlocal Agreernent xviiich aUlIlOriZeS tile I I C) 11 St CIFI-G a Ives ton Area Council io take bids fbi-certain iterns oil Loolialt-cWthe C,ityol'Buy,tovvn; and pursuant to SUCh tile Flott ston-Gal vemc>n Area C-7ouncil has lakvii U)ids llcw one (I ) 201 1 Joini Deere, 310).1 backhae, leader, N(__)W TFIERV.'FORF BE Yu (JUIDAINEHY) 11Y 'ITIL, Cl'l"Y' COUNCIL, C)F 'I'l-IF CI-t'Y OF 13AY"FOWN, Section I -1-hal tile C"ity c7otrincil (If' tile- C74y of BayloNvul hereby authorizes tlle pa-y'llient SIX TAY-NINE 71"FICAUSA3`^ D EIC3FJ'F PlUNDRED SIXAW AND 7'IX3/100 ($69,860.00) tc5 Doggett Heaavy, Machinery Serwices through the Flou St 011-0 n Iveston AreaC.-ouricil fior the purcha.se of (.­)tie (l ) 201 1 John Decre 3 1 OJ backhoc; loader (Or the l"xiblic Works F)cf-jai-truent. Sect ic)n 2: That pill-stlant to tile provisions cat" Tex.-.ts 1-ocal Cloverrinient Code Annokta(cd §252.048� the NlanaLgcr is fgralltvd general atilhol-ity to ap�l-.wo\xe any change order involving a dourwase or an inemase On costs oI"FWE,N'I'Y-FIVE" '1 -11,C)USAND KIND PJC)/!()O DOI.I.,ARS ($25,0(:)().O0) or less, provided that die Wgisual con"met price unay not be inezvased by more than twenty-Hve percent (259 1) cm d,eci,ozi-sv�d by° unore than INventy-five J­iercent (25%) "Illiout the consent of-tile contractor to SLICII decrease, Suctioli 3: WAs oxclh-lunce shall take envet hruirediatt4ly firoln and after its Passage by the c7ity C"onTicil of'the C:'ily ol'Bavtown, A;` A AA IN-FRC)DUCTIFFID, READ arid FNkSSITD by the afOrinmive %mle of !>Q), Council of- tile C'- it y of- yph & tine. 13" daycW.1anijary, 201 1. SCH, <_'1ty (": "I PF1_CWEf3 AS -I_k,) F(DRNT� AC °1CA 1, A Y "I" u TNA 'ACLI,:IF%K!IT VII\E --i I Us'X'it y l [\Janklary I(JA(, oadotAo,,: IX,_)NCAR,I_.,C)S,, Nla!��-or