Ordinance No. 11,547ORDINANCE NO, 11,547 AN ORDITNANCE OF VIECATY COUNCIL. OF 1"1 iE CITY OF BAY TOW'N, TFXAS, AUFMORIZING THE PAYMEINT (A t I II S(.JN1 0F., FAGIATY-SIX THOUSAND AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($86M(tOMO) VVITI-1 PAssw,wouGH GRANT FUNDS F"RON/I Tllf: FY 2010 110UST'ON URBAN AREA STRATEGK' INITIATIVI,-, (I)ASI) FUNDED BY THE U,S DFAIARTMEN'I"' 01' 1 IOMELAND, SI,-,CURITY GRANT PROGRAM TO CASCO INDUS 11.11 INC- F()R T'HE, PUR(A IASI',-', OF- TWFN'I'Y-SFVl`.N (27) B()YY ARMOR I-:,NS1,,.N1I3I1..,S FOR 'I"11F. INAACE DEPARTNIEND NIANANG 0'F111 °,R PROVISIONS RF-,l.-ATFJ) Tl1FRF,'T0: AND PROVIDING FORTHF,,' Fr`FF-k-l*FVF DATE 'I'IIFR1 01-`. WHERF.AS, Texas Local Government Code Annouited §252A22 provides that when die 11inctional requimmems of the City, Can only be Satisfied by one source, the requirement For conipethive bids is not iq)pIicnbIc, anti NVI tile p•ocurenwrit or body nnnor ensembIs fbi- the Police Department can lie satisfied by only one source, Casco Industries, Inc,; NOWT11FRIA"ORE' 1311 ITORDAINED BY 'T c couNC11,, 01"I"11F, C'ITY 01" BAY'TOWN,TF`.XAS: Sc0ion 1: 'rot be Chy Council of We (:"Ny of Baytown lix as, hereby, dechuvs INO only one stwee can satisf), the needs of the ChyAbr body armor ensembles 1'()r the Police Deparunent - Section 2: '11rai the (Ty Coxincil of die City of Fby,own, Tmas, awhowes pa),nent or the sum of' FAGHTY-SIXTHOUSAND AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($06M(lOTO) %vhh pasydirough grwit funds himi the FY 2010 Housumi Urbarl Area Stxatcoc Initimixe (UASI) funded by the VS. Lkpamncru of Homeland Securig Gnuir Program to Cwwo lridtiMries, he, as the sole source, for tile purchase of twenty-seven (27) Barely Annor Ensembles For the !Alice Deparmlent. Secdon 3: 11tal ptirstiant to the provkkmis of Texas lxwal (Awerrinien( Code Annotated § 252148. die C11y Manager is hereby granwd general awhority to aRwove any change order involving as deacme or an inemase in costs of TAVENTY-FIVI.', THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25.000.00) or less, sulypcct to the provision that the crriginal contract price rnay not be Wereased by ninwe than iweiv,4& percent (25`/'�) or decreased by more Ihin twelity-five percent (2511) 1xidiout be cmi,sent of the contraeWr to such decrease. Sunion 4: the City of Ba3lowrl. This ordinance shall take criect ininredia INTRODU(_1,A), RF,AD, and PASSI--,D by [lie affinnative vole of thVI&W January, 2011. 9 lr w, rifivii, C 11, C hy UK AI'1I1R0VI-`,,D AS TO 1`0104: 7�51 1w 'I- w' RAMIREZ', SR" Cat Attorney xbw% I jl� ants ('0)' CO I I flC� I( )fkIHM" " , N) I I JanuaN) 13 Boa dvA vunw SoJcS'ouu (C kkcN ouncil of own, this