Ordinance No. 11,545C D R DINA N C NC). 11,54-5 AN 013. IDIN,A N COIL 01: IME C111"A" CAMINCTIL. (3F: IME CAFY 01-' II/*%,*x­T(,): .%/N, TE.XAS, e%IJI*IIC3!112!INC311"111/k"V!vlltt4"Yo17'111]E SLJNIC )1°'ONIE I JLJNFTY14EF3 F0141-1—ri K311SAND AND M3000 IMIA,A RS ($I 40,000.0(:)) w I'l-I I U",,x SS--if I 1;tol-10 14 (MANY IQJ N IDS MOM 11 " 1 In' 2010 MMAN AREA IWJJZATE-C.31(L' imyncrivis (FiAnso mpumm iw 'riAll LJ.S. FIE P PAZ YNA I -.N'1'01` 1, 1<JN,1 121./t v4 r3 s rw tj It. ri-Y G It A N'F 1"WIX3 R A M'10 I IMB ()T (W)RAICAR ATW)AN lIC314 'Fill? I"MMAIASET 010 A SMAIA, IR(Dl3(.Yl' I"RC)VISIONS '111FEREWC); ANL) I" It() V I E31 MA—too it rtits 11FIANCAIVE 1XVIT, w4werion NVIff-R'EAS, Fox as Encal CiovcTnment C7(sde Annotated §252A)22 pro✓Nes that vvhen the finictiowlt requirerliclus c)f (fie C.ity, can tmly he satisfie4_1 by, one source, Use requitn"acm Ibr compel hive bids is inn as nilicable; 1111d WI 11.1 •AS, the procure men t of a sma I I 13111tibF111 II .u:'abot I'A C7-13CY f can be satisfied by (-Irfly uaauu sou,rev" iRobot c7orporatrols, N10my TI Bis ru wirwwwwo m, "imu., cl'I'Y C)F VYIE CVVY HAYT(ANAIN, "JIMAK secti,orl I: fhal the (.:o"nwi cwthe cow or Baytown, T"exac hereby tieclares that onlyorle source Can satistv the neads orure cit.,,, rc,, as striall platforin Mohot V'AC:7-13(::)T, Scctiml 2: T'hat the Cit)y ("20MICH of" they CARy of Baytown, "rexan, authoriVes payriveru ofthQ stun UILAW)RED ITC31MY TI RMSPIA• AND 5401100 EXAMARS (5144(1=00)with pass-through t..,ralll Itulds frk)III tile I"N" 2010 Uloustan Wban Area Strategic Iniliative (L-Y.ASI) furlded by the I.J.S. [�)cparllnejll c')I'llonveland Security Grant Wogmm to iRobot Corpolottimi as the scAc soure" Wr the purchase ora sruall PA(Z-1301'. Sea: kni 3: ITat Mursumu to the provisions of"lixos I.ocal Government CMdu Armumlext § 252AMM, the (Tily Nlarrager is hereby grawlted genmod authority u) aplarove any change order invoKing as decrease or an i"creaso in coms of' 'f`WEN'I'Y-1AVI`;'UI 10t,1SAND AND 14CAll (10 130I.I.AMS. (S2 5M00.00) ux less, Subject to tile provisioll that (he origirs'll cc.m.tracl price rttay, not be inervased te, more than twenty-five percent (2591) or cKerewwl 1, more than twee"" --five percent (2545) without tire cottsent of the convactor (0 SUCh (14�CroaSC section 4 11sis Irdirl'ance, shall tak� effect immediately IM-n axid after its paswlgc by the M", Council of ova (2 hy or Hayxu"ql. jPqf MAMMA D, and MNSSEIA by the nffinna6ve vote of tire the 130' day of kunuvry, 20 1 1 � '1/ A -.1 re S (rrr "1I, (" ` i I Y' (I " A P P It 0 V I �, L9 A S , F­(-.) U(,) R M: RA­ NA-1ki . k. C Ann . AAdRwmcv%\.2(A1 "J'an,tary Council ofiltv (IN13, orffavuowiL this 1)WMA12IA110 DvIn3nor