Ordinance No. 11,539OR,DJN�ANCE N(-.). 11,539 AT4 ORDINANCIT OF 11 ILL C111-Y C'O,LJNC'11., (-'W''I'l IF', CFI-wad OF" BAY*I'(-)'%VN, l-F,XAS, ivismimm N citimcm m rim cn-Y OF I3AYT'(,)'WN'S, FISCAL Yl-,AR 2010-2011 BUDGE-1- J--(­:)R POUNICIPAL. 111-JR11"OSES IN ORDER 70 Rl--'P R10GRAN4 I-J.JNL)S IN mm COMMILWITY 131.04271w GRIAN'll" -r.o famm mr, COMN4UNIT11'--',S IN SCIlOOKS MAKING A— +.. SPL,ASI-1 PROGRAM, AND PROVIDIM3 ITCM 15111 11IFFECOIN"! 13AIIE TIVIERYWIP. WIE-REAS, Contintinities in Soho (WIS") is it tocal organization that works Wilt at-risk students in the Goose Creck CISD to c.-wercume and avoid sh"atio"s that hamper their developarient and success; an d Wf-[E, ILL, AS,, CIS has prol-.,�oscd M acludnister the Coilin-junitics in Schools Making, A+ Splash Prograin ("Program") to Iarcarttc,rte water Sal"cly, ak-,mg ww itkt I-Owarding StlClents f-Or actliQving acadenlic suc,Qoss; nand WIJEREAS, lit e Cornmunity IDevc1opment Advisc.wy (,.7cmunittee has Cr,)�WlsidQred the request ol- CIS and cicsires For the ClArm x%etior, Plan to bQ,aruended to include the Prognurt; and WHEREAS, adding Communills in Schools (CIS) us as grant sub - recipient to adt-ninister the Program ca: nsthutes it suhsmnl&l amcndmcnt to lite apll,r(,.)vcd CDBO Action Plan„ and \VIJEEIREAS, the Cit y Ccwtulcil of- lite Cit_y ol' Bayt,a�.-)xvn desires to irtake a budget change to renect the axlvermlimcnt an requested; N,(.:3NV 1311 Fr CWTJAINF,�D 13Y CFFY Coumm. ot, w its crr,t, OF BAY-17CANN, Section 1: -]-flat tile City Council ol'the City of' Baytown hereby niakcs, changes in tile City of Baytown's Fiscal Year 201 8:1 -20 1 1 budget fOr 31-MiliCil3al, P1.11-1-3oses to reprograni FIVU, 1-I K-IL-)SAND AND P40 /100 EMI.L.ARS; ($5,(10WOO) in the 1.-V201 0 Cotlitintnity Developnicrit Block C:Jrant to l'und thou Communities in Schools Making A* Splash Prograt", as more Naartimdat-ly describecl ill Y."Xhibil -A!" "Tich is anached lwrcto, arid iracctr Iacaraatc a1 herein f-or all intents ant.l 1-mi-poses- Section 2: 1-his csi-dinance shall take ell bet dn"iediately, t`i�pi, and aRcr. its passage by the City Council of tile City of- Baylown, immoEMC713171 READ atid PASSED by tile afl-milative vj�e 617 the City (."'Ouncil (Wille cil,-y of Raytov"i this the 13'f, day of'-fanuary, 201 1. ayol AT'I'EST- ... . ...... ------ - - �r ............... . . . jc-,L, YS City, (:`lc, r1 APPR(-WED AS '1'0 FORM- '00, l AC R-,) r"n. SRI_ City t J r I I C