Ordinance No. 11,525ORDINANCE NO. 11,525 AN ORDINANCE OF W Ili C:FFY—CCRJNCIL 01 "Fl If', CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS, RENEWIN(J1111', FM1-RGEN(,Y SEWER PUNIPIN(iAND DISPOSAL AGRl-,FN,1F:NT UTHi ENVHK)NMFNTAL INC.; AND PROVIDING FORTH F", N , 1"" 1", CTIV F, 1)ATU,",11 I 1",R FOF- WHERE',AS, ptusuant to competitive prolum1pulcedums, Environmental Management Resources, Inc_ entered into an 10-nagamy Sewer PunqAng and EWqmmA Agmmnem "Th the (Ty onklymn on Aupst 12, 201 0; and, W! IERFAS, said corwract included the option to renew 1"clradditional onc-.year periods; and \V1fER[,,',AS, F,'tivironnicnial Resources, hic, has indicated its %villingness (clrene\% tile cmaract for an addhiontd year undu the same tevnis and conditions; and W1 IERF'AS, tile Administration has r"Wed the malo comlitium and recommends renewal as bcaqn, in the best interest ofthe City; 'NOWTI 11,RF,'F0RF. 13E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CW 11a^VYPJWN, TEXAT Section K "nult Me C!, (7ouncil of We City a Baytown hereby renews thv Fmergency Sewer Ilumpingand Disposal Agremnm with 11"Wonmenlal Management ROMMS, WC. Wider the same lennsould conditions. Section 2: Illis ordbance shall take Wat himed►idy Ihmn and Ma A pasmTe by We City com, of we chy or BM&mwi. IN1 Ik()DUCF-,D, 1(I AD ,in(] PASSED by the affh-nialive vote )f the City ,r ("OnIlCil Offhe of' Buylown this the 9" day or December, 201 T t A Ays"J" T s ARLOS, Mayor Ap, 0 APPROVI'D AS 10 F(AW: "1t (A(. RANI1RI,,Z, SR., Cily )rnc) R \Kmcu4Tc0CAq LQmnc&TKd&nn"w1U1NN"Mw WENIRPMaRRumod duQ