Ordinance No. 11,5280 R L) I NA N C F"' N0. 11,52x8 AN ORDINANCI-1 oi., 'ri itl: cri'y COL)NCIL, CITY OJ-` BAY TOWN, TFXAS, AL)"I'llORIZING "ITIF' PAYMENT' OF AN ANNUAL ASSEISSMFINF TO HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT FOR APPRAISAL, SERVICES FOR Till"" '-)Oil TAX YEAR IN AN AMOUN'T NOT TO FXCEFD ONF HUNDRED HFTY THOUSAND NINE IIUNDRF,D TWI`NTY-NINE AND NOMM DOLLARS ($150,929.00); MAKING O'l"lIF',R PROVISIONS 1M.ATED THERETO-, AND PROVIDING FOR 111E EFFEk"TIVE Wllf.''RE'IAS, each taxing unit participating ill the Harris County Appraisal District (the "District-) is assessed for as portion oftlic operations bUdget of the District ill accordance with Section 6.06 of the Texas'I',ax ( .,'ode;and WHEIREAS, ciach taxing unit shall pay its allocation Ill four equal payments with file first such payment being due beforchanuary 1, 2011; and WHEREAS, (lie City's first kjUarterly payment is THIRTY-SI"W"N THOUSAND SEVI"N I 1UNDRL1J.)JTARTY - "F'1? O AND NO /100 DOLLA i� S (.$31,1 X2'.00); NOW TI [H 1"R EFOR 131 IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCAL OFTHECITY 01" BAYT OWN. TEXAS: Section l: That the City Council ofthe City of Baytomi hereby authorizes the payment of' an annual assessment to Harris County Appraisal District fio• appraisal services I'm- file 201 1 ltix year in tiara amount not to excced ONE" HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRI-J) TWENTY-NINE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($150,929,00). Section 2: That the City Manager is hereby gramcd gC1101,11 U111101-ity to approve it dec],C46e or all increase ill costs of TW E, NITY 41V 1". TTIOUSAN D AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000,00) or less, provided that the amount authorized ill Section I may not be increased by nlore than twenty -live percent (25%). Section 3- Hlis 01,dinance shall take effect immediately I'rojw,alld aher its passage by the City Council of the ('ity ofBaytown, INTIZODUCIII, IZEIAD and PASSED by the aft-u-mative v Baytown dais the 9"' Dqcember, "201 O ZOO cm S'I "ry L LTI C I A C', APPROVED AS TO MRNI: �Z, SR., C1. i ttornev e,11' NACK) RAMWE' - s fs l,,,t,�%r��ru,tt-ilc��'("Ita, counv7d'u;d�. "I I' (lie City council of' tile City of' ONCARLOS, Ma