Ordinance No. 11,5260RDINANCF NO, 11,526 A"NORDINAM F OFTHEI CITY COUNCIL OF THE, Cl'l'),'01,'BAY'I'(.')\\ N,'I'EXAS, AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT C:)1 .1. HUNDRED F`OIJR THOUSAND I'OUR HL NDRED EIGHT ANDNO/100 DOLLARS ($20,i,409M0)T0 MOTOROLA THROU,G 1-1 HOUSTON-GALVI'STON AREA A COUNCIL, FOR TI'll" PURCHASE", 01" ONE EQLJIPPv1EN-r FOR FIRST AND SECOND RESPONDERS; MAKING OTI-11'R PROVISIONS RELATEDTHE'RETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE' LITFE'01VE, DATE J'I IF"RF'OE 1\1 IERFAS, the City Council of the City o@" Baytown has approved an Interlocil Agreement which authorizes the Houston-Ga Ives (oil Area Council tar take bids f'or certain items on beliall'ofthe City ofBaytown, and Wl IL"RE"AS, PUBLIant, tea SUCII agreenlent, the I-louslon-Galveston Area Council has taken bids for one hundred twenty (120) 80ON11 Iz portztble radios; NOWT[ IEREFORE BF H" ('.yRDA IN F"D 1 'Y'I H E C11'Y Col.) N( -11, OF "1°111' CITY OFBAY"I'MVN, 1T` AS: Section 1: That the City Council ofthe City of Baytown hereby 'authorizes tile payment of-1.W0 HUNDRED FOU RTIJOUSAND F'OUR I IUNDRFD EAGI F1'AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS (S204,408.00) to Motorola through tile Houslon-Galveston Area Council fear the purchase of'one hundred twenty (1X21)) 800MI lz Portable radios to replace obsolete equipment tor first and second responders. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of' Temas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048, the City, Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving it decrease err an increase in costs of "ME.NTY-FIVE "alOUSAND AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS $25,000.00) or less, provided that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty -Five percent (251" I)) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (251MO) without tile consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section J: This ordinance shall take elfect immediately from andallcr its passage by the City Council orthe City oflhytown. 1,5, INTRODUCEID, READ and PASS!"D by the affirnlative vote oft City Council of tile City of Baytown this the 9"' day ot'December, 201 O ✓ APPROVE.0 AS TO FORM: A '1 (511 .-Z, SR� it torney ICIO RAMIR'EY, SR. C Id 9q DONCA RLOS, N/14yor