Ordinance No. 11,524( )RIDINANC:71", NC)� 11,524
.A 44 01: I > I N /\ N iC 1H C) F 7 1 1 E C I TY C 0 U Pq C* I L () i: .k 14 t'- c' j, i", Y () 1-" BiVY"I () \,VN.
el�C,if,?,I,'-',Itrvllt,41" WITH SN'Sc"(1) F'O'(.)D SEERVICATS OF
HOUST( N' L.P.; AND PRADVIDING FORWIF 101"1 1xT1 "ivi, i3win'1"1vi1n1mu.
W" I 11"',R E AS, pursuant Ics corn pet itive prol',-)osa I procedures, Sysco •nO Services i of Ito" sum 1.11,
cluered in(o m') Service', for 911-ICI SUt-)PliCS 11re-Fv,cnt Agreement vvim, the city orBaliov"itm,
2, 2009; and
NVTIL°:RFAS, saki co"Unct included We cotmicon to renew� Rar additional one-yczu- 1,iciicids and skich
icnevval wwas mahurized an Nov,enil-)er 2A, 2, 0019, and
W1-IFR,EA,S, Syscc') Ft,)iot] Scrv,ices of[ foustou L.P., has indicated its vvillingriess 1( renevv the Contract
fi-)r ari additiortal year under the stune terms atKI mmiditio"g; snul
\Vl IEJOF'AS, tile Adin in istna ion has revik.-\ked llt and re nevval as bQin_
in i he Wst intwvst of the C`ity, C)AV 't'i I E R, Ls I
1311 vi ofustuinvio iis, winj crw cocnitnoij. (IF 1A IF CATY C.')F BAwl-crAw, wwaxs:
Section V That the C�,ivy (-'o .sane il ofthre CMy of RaytoNNot hereby rcncw% EruvrgQncy Services for
and S1.1.1-)JIlies Pre-L.vent /kgreernent Wlh Sysco Mod Services wl-luusto" L,P, under We sa"w tenns and
Scciicm 2: This ordinance shall take WNet huatediately Amu amass! afler i" passage by Ove Uhy
C 'oullcil of tile City Of 11ay1C1%v1l.'
READ note,] PASSF"�13 1-02" tile affinnative of the (01�, (-7t)tFuCill Of. 01C Cir�,° Of
tilis tile 9'�' day of 20 1 0. "r
Ov%'C'115 ( IM"Mc ndhn""SQ0 MA W"nd" 92a "WK"C"'fl doc
SWIARI-i-linq it. W)DWARI.C35n Mal")].