Ordinance No. 11,518ORIANANCt', NO. 11,518 AN ORDINANCE (11" ,.1.I HT 011" COUNCIL. (01"I'l R-,, CH "Y OFBAYTOWN, TEXAS, Al,"THORIZING CHANCH! ORDER M. 3 WIT[IT&C COT,��STRU','CTION, LTD., FOR TH'-, GULF COAST UFF STATION PROJEkyr; AUTI 101WING PAYN,1F.NTB)"PII--', CITY OF 13 A YTO W N,T 11 1",,yMJ N1 ()FTWl-',N'l'Y-SEVF,N "H-K.WSAND NINE I RJNDRI�D I'V 1,N"1°1''-TWO AN 1) 11''100 DOMARS §27,2111)w AND PROVIDING i FOR T1JE EFFL-,CTIVE' DATE TH ER EOF BE rr ORDAINFD BY' 'ITIF. CITYCO(JNCH., OF THE CITY 01," 13AYT0WN,'1'1.`.XAS: Section I That the (,,ity Council does hereby authorize Change Order No, 3 with T&C g Construction, 1.1d, For the Gull'CoaSt Lill Station PrOjeet. A copy of saki chwge ouler K uwwhW humto, marked Exhibh.W and made as part hereoff'or all intents and purposes. SO% 2: That iiie City councu or we coy or Baytown hereby aUthorDes the payment of ']'WL-',N'FY Sl?Vl?N]'IIOLJSANI)NINI'-.1-111NDI�l,-,,'],)'FWI,',N'I'Y-']"NVOA,NI)11/100 )(�)1.1�A[ S($27,922.11) to T&C Congructhn, Lt?, Wr Change Order 14L 3 Or the Gulf'Coast Lill Station Prqject, Swiln 3: Ilk oMhunce shall wke effect immediately froiti and aBer its pwage by the City COLHICH 0011C City Of BaY10"'11. INTRODUCI`.]"'.), RF'.Al) and PASSFA) by the affirmative votQ or the V "Y coutwil of we City of' Baytown th;,i the 9'�'day Of December, 20 10. 1 AP11ROVI'1) AS TO FORW C I RAMIREZ, SR., City t wne.y WIM W001"; COMWIM&MMallo M DMUAO 9 c6nd h Moo &MOM "UM VC HF.7771. DONCARLOS, Brief Description of Changes: Exhibit "A" CITY OF BAYTOWN Change Order No. 3 Gulf Coast Lift Station Project 11/22/2010 This change order is for the remobillzation of boring operations under HWY 146 due to an unforseen obstruction encountered during the initial bore. The contractor ultimately located and removed the obstruction which was a chunk of concrete debris approximately 20 ft below natural ground. However, due to Its location under the SH146 overpass, an additional bore pit with dewatering needed to be constructed In order to resume the initial boring operations. Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total CO3 Boring remobilization and new bore pit setup including dowatering of now bore pit. LS 1 $27,922.11 S 27,922.11 S - S S S - S 5 - S - S - S - S - S - Total S 27.922.11 Contract Summary: Original Contract Price S 2,021,390.00 Previous Change Orders S 20,672.00 This Change Order S 27.92 Revised Contract Price S 2,069,984.11 Original Contract Duration - Calendar Days 270 Previous Time Extensions 0 This Change Order Revised Contract Duration - Calendar Days 270 T &C Construction, Ltd. Date Director of Finance Date WA Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Date Director of Engineering Date City Manager Date