Ordinance No. 11,506ORDINANCE NC). 1 1,506 AN C)R1)INANC° ^ OF THF, ("ATY COUNCIL OF TH1 CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE PAYN4F.NT 011 SEVENTY-l-,]Gll'l"'1'11(,)[JSANI) FIGIF1'IIUNDRF',D AND 0 1/ 100 DOLLARS ($78,819.01) -1.0 -1.1 -WAY EQ0 COMPANY, LLC, FORONk(I)ARROW FORTIMPUBIAMICHMS, STREETS fN\qSK)N 111ROUGH THE TEXAS LOCAL GOV F',RN M ENT PV RCIIA SING C0OPF',RATJVF',, (BUY BOARD); MAKING OTHE'R PROVISIONS RF',LAT[A) T] IFAZF_'I'0; AND PROVIDING I°`ORITH.". I)ATE'ri-iERF,0F. WHEREAS, We City of Baytown is a member of the coopertnive purchasing program established under. Sections 271 A82 and 271 A83 of the Mas Local Government Codc; and wi the'rexas Local Government Purc%hg Cooperative's Buy Board ProEymm is such a program, allowing rriunicipalities to purchase products and/or serNiccm in an efficient, cost cRION imd compoitive procurement method; and W111"1(E'AS, the City or Baytown in rnaking as purchme un&r as state contract through such cooperative purchasing program smisfics state lmv requiring numic4mlitics to seek competitive bids Cor the purchase oaf the itern(s); NOW THEREFORE BE I'l ORDAINI',D BYTI IF CITY COUNCIL OFTHF, CITY OFBAYT OWN, TEXAS: Secoon 1: Mu we c4y Council ofthe City of aytoNvil hereby authorizes the payment cal 'SLR -,VI.-,N'I'Y- EIGHT TH0I_,!SAND HIGHT HUNDRED LAGIFFEEN AND 01/100 DOIJARS ($78,818.(l1) to Hi-`Way F,quipmervI Company, IJQ Am one (1) Anow 135M' Mile Hydraulic Ilarrinwr lor the Public Works, Strects Division lhrouj. ,h the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperadve (Buy Bmud). Seedon 2: That (lie City Manager is hereby granted gowral awhority to approve any change order involving as decrease or an increase in costs or I'VIENTY-41VE 'n IOUSAND AND N(")/] 00 DO, 1, I,,,\ R S, §25100.00) or less, provided that the original contract pHce may, not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (2551) ow decreased by more than twenty-five percent (2511) without the consent oaf the cmumdarto such deause, MOM 3 dw City or MIUMV 11. It is ordinance shall take Met itru-nedia(ely, from and alter its INTRODUCTA), READ and PASSFT) by the affirniative vote ofthe C APPROVED AS TO F()RM: age by the CilyCOLHICH of' ned ofthe City ofBaytown this STEPj/lI,,-,,N 1-1. DONC7AR1, OS, N1 4Ac C) R Ell? ttrraey V Cobqry V kg a I K ai cn F 2�c t ("11'y Coqlma I (Dj d I I a ; If I wi'2010 t,4)v Qmk:r ?3 11 In Boar ffl aydi auk I Lnnmu� G I o�