Ordinance No. 11,505AN (-Mt D INA NC• C3F7 I I E C I TV (AJUNCII. C)F 'fill, win 0F 1-3 A YTCAVN, wwwo AUTIMM✓TINCA PAYFUILENY IN THE, ANIC.14-IN'T TV"N' .1..I- I(..1(. 13 AND U N It I I U NUIR E I A 17 111 It TY A ' D 'NC)/100 E3 C) 1- 1- A R S ($1 10, 13 C) . (: 0) " FC) TUIE '11WAS C'UMNAISSMINJ (151 Q1-JA1.FFY F(W T] It.. ANNUAl. NAWTIM QUA1.11 I" IATES FCM, I-IIU, CITY'S F()UR \V,N STI Af F'., , 'FR, F,Af "M E, N`F` P1 - A N'I'S; A N [) I I RO V I D I N 1• "(': R, Tl 1, F-, i:':1 -' I : I --C-I * I \1 I DINTIT'll 117JUMV NVIIERIONS, the Texas Cont"Mmioi-i on Quality in response rc) Ole has esviblished as program to assess Me qual"Y of tile NAMERFEiNS, Senate 1311I 818 recover the reaminal-fle cosi ptogrm,vt fi-t-mll %vaslc.,.vater treviument pennk holders and water rig,lits holders, and %A1UlERF,,AS, liter- Cons(:-flidatcd, N'Vater Qmtlity Fees are assessmi annuadly, cacti Mwber 31" and illlj-)cns,od k,-m e,ach person hokiing, a permit under the WIM.A., Water Clid• §§26001, or vvq4 NC)W II 1FREFC)RE, 1311 FUCARDA PAID BY ­1111", C-,'7I'I-Y (20UNC211. OF T! ILI C TY 01"' 'FFl /,\S: Scctitm 1: Imat tire citycimncu or tire city w i3ayto%,n. roxas, hereby, V11.111101iZUS the payment in the am"unt of 0NE HUNDRED WEN WICAUSAND Q?NF III)NDRFI) 'I"Illit'FY ANf,) N()/10(I F>01A.ARS (SI 104130.00) to the 'rexas Conurnissic"i oil Environmental Quatity tile Arnmal Consclliclated Wmer (: uality, FeeS FOV Ole CitS"S COUr Pknvt-s. S`ccticm 2 Thm the City PvIvnlager is hereby granted general arithorily to al")p1clve any challpe invQving a decrease or an increase in aim"usm authol-ized in Suctimi I hereiviabove of I IV I; TIMUSA bill, IMF) NO/100 ($251K1(100) or Les, hc"vevur, the urigituil ecmitmel ImIce un ny ncol I.-)c increased by nwre than twelity-Five pQrcQnt (2-5" ,I,) c-.)i- decreased by unore Man "vemy-five percent (2515) wiUummt the consevit of the Wexas Conlillissic'n oll V.,1-tvirouruilcurtal Q)tlflity to stich decrcllrsc. Sec lion, 3: "Mis mmlinance shall take eff'ect I'voill and after its passage by the Cit y C',(lnwtci I cil* tile C"it.y of I layto,wri., 10,11" imrimDUCED, READ and by the affin-inativc v zo 10. A J"PR()"4' J--, F) AS I F (-)1-',N1: Aw- I mad N,,-,-V- Oftlic C,'ity (°.'otmcil of the City t�-if S-If-Z'pi I X)S, Nlayt,)r