Ordinance No. 11,504NO. 11,504 AN UTUAINANCL, OF TI IF' CITY COI-JNC-111- C31" TJ-111-? C. 71.1, CIF BAYTOWN, -rivown RENEWINIC3 -FIlE ANNIJAL P'l-ILTNIBING SU.-,RVIC'V-.,S CC)NTRAC-71- WVI-Il DAN'S COMMERCIAL PLUN,11-11NG' 1-1-C; AUKHORIZING PAYMENT BY Tlll,- (.71TV Cm)F BAY-FUNAIN, WUIE SUM OF ONE IJUNOR,EED 'FI IOUSAND AND NO/100 DC)LLARS (S1()(),00().()O); MAKINC! CAKIIER RIEI-AFF,13 AI'`* E) PRUNITIANC3 FOR THE 1IFFEC71-IME IIA-1-11 11 JERITA-lK W I I ERF'AS, Dan's Conin iercial 1"1 n mbi it g, I , I -C, r,vas awardecl the A I I nua It' lum bing Serv, ices Contr,,act on l3ocernher 1 5, 20097 JILII'Soant to Cornpetiti-ve bidding procednres, ,vhich Contract included an option by, tile pvIrtics to renew, fbradiditional one-ycar periods; an,d NVI IFRF",AS, Dan's Conin-torcial Pinnibing!, 1-1-C-7, has indicated its willingness to ronew the contract 1*61- an additional year under the Same tervils arld concfitio,ns; viald NVI the Adruiinistration has reviewed the, $1-larket Corlditions alldrecconnnends renewal as being in the best. interest of the City; NC.)W 'I'l lf-',REFC-)R.E BF, F1' CM 13AI1'sFO BY 'I'l Ili CITY C(JUNCIL C)F -1-1 CITY C)IF BAYTC)NVN, TUEXAS:; Section 1: 'I'llat tile City C"ouncit (>['tile City ofBaytown hereby renews the Aimunt Inurnbint,", Services CTOF"ract %vhli Ilan's Coutim✓rckd Plumbing, [A.C% fbr a" Wdhional oneowar period. Seddon 2: 711M tlIC City C70LIFICil Of-theCity (,->r BaytoN,%rjI herel-)y aIjjtjjorizes payment in an amount not to CXaced ONE HUNDRED -10MUSAND ANDNIGM 00 DC)LI.-A'lls (".fi 1 00,00,00) to Ilan's C'01-Finter-cial Plumibing, I.L.C, for the Annual PlurnE.)ing Services Ccmtract. S,cclion 3, That I)LIFS111111t to the provisions of Wexas Local CociQ §252.048, Ole City Manager is hereby, granted general nuthori", to approve any change order nwo+ving wa decrease or an increase in costs, ISANIA AND 14011 00 DOLLAVS ($25,000M()) or less, subject to the provNion that the cm-iginal erm"ract Imice nw"; not be increased by tvicwe than percerit (, 1i')) or decremsmi by mare than twenty-nve percent (25%0 wiMout tile consent ot-the contractor to such decrease. Section Q This ordinance shall take cruet hurnecliately f III and After its 1-nissage 17y tile Civy Council (:)Tthe City ofBaylo,vii. UCEID, REAL> and TIASSEI.3 Fay the al"I"irmnali 4Wfia'r day (A'Noventber, 2010. APPROVE,0 AS 'YC) I=C'-TI TVI: —At Z N, (,)f' the Cit'), Council of tile City of DONCARU-OS, Mayor-