Ordinance No. 11,498ORDINANCL." NO. 11,498 AN ORDINANCE01"I'l IF" CITY COUNCIL OF TI H" CITY OFBAYTOWN, TE`XAS, ACCEPTING TIll"' BID OF' ANGEL BROTHERS J`NTFRPRISES 1,AT), I:OR HII- ' PINEHURS"I'SUBDIVISK)N SANITARY SEWI R AND DRAINAGE IMPROVE'MENT PROJECT AND AUTI IORIZING IAYMI"N'1'13Y'1'1-11Cl"l'Y OFBAYFOWN,Tl-lh SUM OFF'OURMILLION El(,'jl-l']'I-ILINDREDNINE'I'EEN'l"I-IOLISANDI'l-ilkI L " FlUNDR11) FIFTY-SIX AND 501100 DOLL,ARS ($4,819,356.50); MAKING OTHER PROVlSIONS RELATED THE" R ETO; AND PROVIDING FOR T1 II_ DATI"THE'RE"Of". W1 IEREAS, the City F"ngincer advertised for bids fior tile, flinehurst Subdivision Sanitary Sewer ,in(] Dra inage Improvement Project tca be received Noveniberl, 2010; and WHEREAS, notice to bidders as to tile time and place, when and where the contract would be let was published PUT"SUant to tile provisions ol'Chapter 252 ol'thcTexas Local Government Code;arld WHERE AS, all bids were opened and publicly read at the Baytown City Hall at 2:00 imn.,Thursday, November 4, 2010, as per ImIlAished notice to bidders; NOWT] IEREFORL BF IT ORDAINED BYTI 11" CITY COUNCIL OF' 'FIll"CIFFY Of-- BAYTOWNJE'XAS: Section 1: That tile City Council of' tile City of' Baytown hereby accepts tile bid ol" Angel Brwhers Enterprises Lid., For the Pinehurst Subdivision Sanitary Sewer and Drainage improvement Project for the sure of FOUR MILLION E'lGH"I'l ]UNDRED NINE TE'EINTJ 10t,]SAND'I'l-IREF�'I,ItJNDRI" 1) FIF-1y- SIX AN D -50/100 DOLLARS ($4,819,356.50) and authorices payment thereof, and tile City N/lanagerand the City Clerl\ of the Cit.yare hereby authorized and directed to execute an(] attest to as contract with Angel Brothers E"ilterprises Ltd., I'm Mae work, said contract containing the plans, specif"ications, and requirenrents, ol'the City F."llgineer and appropriate bond requirements in accordance with the provisions of Texas Governnient Code, Chapter 2253. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government ( , 'ode Annotated §252.0,18, tile City Manager is hereby granted gener,al authority to approve any change order involving as decreaseoranincrease in costs of"IAN11"INTY-FIVE TI 10U SAND AND N01100 DOLLARS(S25,000.00)or less, subject to the provision that tire original contract price may not be increased by rnore than (wemy-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25',Xo) without the consent ol'the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall lake offect immediately firom and ra Icr its passage by tile City Council ol'the City 01,11aytown. ASSED by the affirmative vote of 201 O, City, Council of' tile City of' DONCARLOS, Miyor APPROVED SAS TO FORNC ji4,ri;KACI0 RAMIRE�_Zi,-�SR., Cit A torney R \Kmen4`i1c.s�City Cot incA\0idinwx"`,,20 l0`,NovL3ubcr 231AwardPinchitisiS tit xhVisionsaui I ai),Smculd )ramud III pTo%C11 I cut III o I co khx�