Ordinance No. 11,493ORDINANCE NO, 11,493 AN ORDINANCI.'(A"THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHI­"CITE' 0I`I3AY'J`0WN,TEXAS, AtrnmRIZINGTI 11`� PAY N1 I1`1NTOI-` S E V E NTY- FIGI, ITTIJOUS AND NINE HUNDRED NINETY-THREE AND 451100 DOLLARS ($78,993,45)TO l"ASTENAL COMPANY THROUGH THI'," STATE COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUN"I'STF ' XAS NIULTIPIA-l' AWARD SCHEDULf.?(TXNIAS) F'ORTH F" P,L) R(11 IASE` Of` TECI IN [CAL RF.SCUE. F-'QLJIPME`NT FOR, 1-IRE DF1I`ARTN4F'NT; NIAKING OTHER PROVISIONS AND PROVIDING FOR THE EIFFEICTIVE" DATE '114FREOF. W 1-1 f-l" R1`1AS, the City ofBaytown,as as member of the Texas CO-011 Purchasing Program, may use the Texa-s Multiple Award Schedule as an alternate purchasing method satislying the City's competitive bidding obligations; and W I I E,Rl.-.AS, the purchase oftechnical, rese tie equipmen I for the Fire Departaientmay be purchased by the City, asa member of the'I'exas CO-011 Purchasing Program, throug ,!h the'rexasMuhiple ANva-rd Schedule; NOW TFI EREf-OR F, BE IT ORDA [NED BYTHIx CITY C( . )UNCIL OF'FHE CITN' OF 13AY`I'OWN,TL`XAS: Section 1: '1 'hat the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby authorizes the payment of Sl"Vl,,"N'I'Y-EIGI,I"l'I'llOtJSANDMINI, I IL.JNl3l L L7 NINIi I'`rr -I 111 LL: AND 45/100 dollars ($78,993.415) to Fastenal Company through the State Comptroller offlublic Account's Texas MUltiple Aw'ard Schedule Im the purchase oftechnical rescue equipment for the Fire Department. Section 2: 'That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048, the City Manager is hereby gnanted general authority to ,ipprovc any change order involving a C decrease or tiara increase in costs ofTWI1`NTY-FIVf-` "ITIOUSAND AND NO/] 00 DOI.A.ARS ($25,000.00)or less, provided that the original contract price may not be inucased by niove than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (259,4)) without the consQnt of the contractor tca such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take ef'f'ect inimediately fiom ai er its passage by the City COLUICH of the City of Baytown. IN'] RODUCFA.), Rf"AD and PASSED by the affirimative vote o' c City Council of the City of' Baytown this the I It" (Ny ot'Noveniber, 2010. 0 TEP IIEN 11. DONCARLOS, Mayor 4r, "Or L , E'I K,V'6A RJLV� iR& I e i k APPROVI"'D ASTO 1,'ORNI: 011 4A�mmCK) RAMIRI Z, SR" Cit r yttcrrney