Ordinance No. 11,490ORDINANCE NO. 11,490 AN ORDINANCE OF THE I`f*Y COL)WAL OF Till", CITY OF BAYT(...)WN, 'I'EXAS, ACCEPTING THI,` WATER 'I'0WER DIFFUSER PROJECT; AUTHORIZIN' FINAL PAYNI[-1'N`l' OF 11-11,1' SUM Ol" THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND THREF" HUNDRED FIF"TY AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($32,350,00) -1-0 BLASTCOTEXAS, INC., F'OR SAID PROJECT; AND PROVIDING F'ORTH U', THEIRF'OF. WHIL"Ri"AS, tile City of' Baytown contracted Nvith BlastcoTexas, Inc., for the Water Tower Diffuser Project (tile "Project"'); and WFIF.'Ri"AS, all of the said improvements, as provided in the plans and specifications heretofore prepared by the City's enigineer and as approved and adopted by the City Council have been perflormed and completed in Full accordance with all ot'llie ternisand conditions of-the aforesaid contract; and W1-If W1-If R F AS, tile City's engineer in the nianner provided by, the terms ot'the said contract and the plans and specification's thereof" has approved and accepted the Water'I'mver Diffuser Protect, has heretofore issued his Certificate of Final Acceptance, has certified stime to the City (11 ouncil, and has recommended that it accept and receive said work and iinprovernentsas constructed nand completed by Contractor; and WHI-REAS, there reniziins duc and owing to Blastco Texas, 111C., the SLIZ11 of, rl-]I R'I'Y-']'WO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRI"D FIFTY AND NO/] 00 DOL.LARS ($32,350.00); NOW THEREFORF, BE IT' ORDAINI'll) BY THE Cl"TYCOUNCIL, 01" 1111, CITY OF BAYTOWN,TI Section 1: That the City Council hereby accepts and approves the above-described work and improvernents, and hinds and determines that all ot'said improvements have been completed as provided in tile plans and specifications thereof, and in kill, accordance with all ot'the terms and provisions cat" tile, aforesaid contract, Section 1 That tile Certificate of Final Acceptance heretofore issued by the City's ctigincer and certified to the City Council is hereby accepted and received. Section 3: That final payinent to l3lastico Texas, file., in the amount of THIRTY-TWO T] RUSANDTHREE M- NDRED FIFTY AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($32.350.00) is hereby authorized. Section 4: This ordinance shall take cffect immediately from and after its passage by tile City Council of tile City of BaytoW[J. INTRODUCED, RUIAD and Pa' SSEID by tile, afflinilative Baytown dais (lie I I"' day of November, 201 f). APPROVED A5 1.C) I"'ORNI: 7 ACIO —RA-N1 R Uruw I, i It! u Cit% Comic I I C4,IMWILes 2010 Nu4 umbur d I hm'M ayIWattr t o�4et D u I It is cdlrojcm 114 City Council of' tile City of UUNUAKLUS, Mayor.