Ordinance No. 11,489C)RDPINIAIN)CF, NO- 11,489 AN 01', DINAN CAT OF wim c7rr%, COUNCIL OF 71111 CCFVY JC3F BAYWOMIN, TEXAS, ACCEFTINO 71111 2009 MILL. AND OVERLAY AUTITIORIZING FINAL PAYMU,N-F (3F SUM OF ONE IJUNDRV,'?,I) NINISTY-NINE VIVIC3USAND EIGHT unwwwo sEviEwwwrwo ANF.) 71/100 IMI.I.ARS 0199,87Z-71) 70 ANCIEL BROJIIERS ENTERPRtSFS, LA-D, FC__>R SAID P1COJITC1% ANJD PR0,VJL,)INC. U'OR "JAIE, L..-,F'FFC_.. WIVE DA'FE-TI \M 1111TEAS, tile City (of Ballown coraracted "!ill Angel Brothers Enterprises, f."I'D, ft-,n- the 20(A)"') IN/Lill and Overlay P'n'-ject (tile ­Prtaject­);, and "« "F al; of" the said, iniprovernents, as in the plans alld, Specifications heretol-bre, pi"epared by 0-it, Cn�°'s engineer and as approved, and ildopted L)y the City Council have been F-,jert-orn ied. and cctannlnlctecl in Fnil accol-dance with all ot, tile terra -as aud conditi(,-sims (:--d'the afilresaid contract; and W1 11-14',EAS, the City's esighicer in the itianner provided by the ternis of the said contract zinc] the plans alit! specifications 11wi-Qof, has and aceepted Elie 2009 Mill and Overlay Prqject, has herett-ifor-Q issued Isis Certificate of Final Acceptance, has certified saine to the C. ,ity Conncil, and has recoriltnended ttlam it accept atid receive said NN,cwk and inilircivenients as constructed and conillicted 1,2,,, Coritractctr, and NAW11HREAS, there renutins, due and owing tL) Angel, Brolhers F-Ente rp ri ses, I.,TT3,, the suill of ONE HUNDRED NINETY-NINIT TIMUSAND EACAUFF 14UNDIM13 SITNIENIMAMIO AND 71/100 D01_1_,AFZS (S 199,1172./1'I; NIONV T! IEREFCARF, BE 11' (3100AINERD BY '171 Ill CITY CCAUNCIII. OF TI M COFFY Go F 13,,\.Y-F0WN, -FF'XAS: Section 1: What the City Co"ncit hereby accep,JS allJ aj:,jyrovrCS the above-described work and irnprovenients, and finds and datert-rdnes that all or saki iinprovemnents have been coctipleted as jr.1rovided in the plans and specifications ther-co-l", and iii ft ill -accordalice with all of the terms and I_Jr'L)ViSjojjrS of the Zjj'Cn_QsZlid conAnct, Sectitr,nl 2: -I'lizit the Certificate of F&W Aceeplatice herelof'one issued, by tile City's engir"Icer and cei-tified to the My Council is Jwrcb_y accepted at-ad received. Scetic)n 3: That final payinent to KrigN Firwhers Enteil3rises, in the atnount of 0NE' HUNDRED N N1E TY-I,41NI? 1110USAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIMITNIM-1 71/10(l D(-AA._AIIS (S 1 9YI372.7 1 ) is hercby .authorizcd.. Secti(3n 4: -]'his ordinance shall take effect iinniediately f1c"ii amid aller its passage by the City" Council (lily of Baytt,)wn. .0e immODUCI-D, :raid PASSED by the alTirinative arch ylofl; the Cia, CAnnicH or the Chy of' Baytown th'is 0_.., ­'. , 7 __-_ -11, of'Noveniber, 20 1, 0. < Ae, J- LETICIA APPR(,),VI,.-�L> AS -1-0 FC)PNI: SR_ City tt 4 "; co—Mo M&MMM.6 2" M ro— mruA, I M, FPF]T:,N 1-1. 1:)C)NCAR,1_(')S_ N,Iayou