Ordinance No. 11,486ORDINANCE NO. 11,486 AN 0RDINANCF, C71 '1'd CITY COUNCIL CIF THEC ITN' OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, RENEWING 7 FF1,ANNUALC'ONSTRUC TION MA"I'l"RIALS CONTRACTWITI I DEEIR PARK LUMBL'.1Z COMPANY, LTD,, AUTHORIZING PAN" NIF'.NT BY THE CITY O' BANITOWN, THF. SUM OF SEV ENTY -FIV E' THOU SAND AND N0/100 DOLLARS (S75,000.00); MAKING OTHER PROVISK)NS RELATI"D Tllf!'RE.TO; AND PROVIDIM3 F'ORTHE UIFFECTIVE: DATLTI [EIREOF, WHEREAS, Deer Park Lumber Company, LTD, was awarded the AnflUal, ConstrUCtiOn Materials Contract oil December 13, 2007, pursuant to competitive bidding procedures, wvhich contract included all option by the parties to renew for additional one-year periods; and 14'11FRLAS, such contract was renmed oil November 13, 2008, and on Noveniber 12,2009,and Can Fie renewed again for ail additional one-year term, ail(] WI-It"REAS, Deer Park Lumber Cornparly, LTD, has indicated its will ingness to renew thecontract for g an additional year under the same ternis and conditions; and W1 IF-REAS, the Administration has rewiewed the markelconditions and recommends renemil as being in the best interest ofthe City; NOW TI­I F', REFORE BE ITORDAINED 13Y THF-l' CITY COUNCIL OFTHECITY OF' BAYTOWN, TE,'XAS-1 section 1: That the City Comic il of tile C ity of Baytown hereby renews the Annual Construction Materials Contract with Deer Park Lumber Company, I.TD, for ail additional one-year period. Section 2: That tile City Council ofthe City of'Baytown hereby authorizes paynient in an amount not to exceed Sl."'MINTY-FIVI'. TI IOUSAND AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS ($75,000.00) to Deer Park Lumber Compally, LTD, fior tile Annual Construction Materials Contract. Section 3: That purAMIlt to the provisions of Texas I,ocal Government Code Annotated §251048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving as decrease or an increase in costs of'TWF'NTY-FlVET1 10LISAN1.7 AND Noll 00 D01-1-ARS ($25,000.00) or less, subJect to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five pereent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without (lie consent of the contnctor to such decrease, Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immedi'ately Council ofthe City of Baytown, INTRODUCED, READ ail(] PASSED by the affirmative of Baytown this tile 25"' day of'Oetober, 2010. is I Mul C. y C. I6 iC �AiwFefi R"Xurcri'Tiles"Oly 10"Octobt v MINGIM after its passage by (lie City tile City Council of' the City of NCARLOS,