Ordinance No. 11,485ORDINANCE NO 11,485 AN ORDINANCE'OFT11F. CITYCOUNCII., OFT11F Cl'[')'Ol�13AY'l"OWN,,ri,,XAS, ALFm0juZINGTIIF. PAYM I'INTOF ONE HLJNDMI°D -I' III rY-,rwoTI-IOUSAND F"IVE. FRiNDREDTHIRTY-SIX AND NO/100 DOI J,ARS ($132,536M) TO DALLAS DODGE, CHRYSLER JEIET, TI-IROUGH THE I IOU STON-GA LVESTON AREA COUNCIL FOR R-113 PURCHASE OF TWO (2) 2011 DOME' 2500 Clu-W CA13 PICKUPS AND THREA-l"' (3) 2011 DODGE CHALLENG] RS; MAKING 0-1111"R PROVISIONS RE'LATED TH I,," R f.,"I'O; AND PROVIDING FORTHI.,. I,," FF ECTI V E, DA'FE' TIJERI-`OF WHEREAS, the (.1ty Clouncil of the City ot'Baylown has approved an Interlocal Agreement which authorizes the I-louston-Galveston Area C ouncil to take bids fin- certain items, on belialf'ofthe City of Baytown; and W H F'R [,"AS, PUNUant to such aagrecnient, the I-louston-Galveston Area Council has taken bids fiortwo (2) 2011 Dodge 2500 Crew Cab Pickups and three (3) 2011 Dodge Challengers; NOWTJ IERF.FORF1 BE ITORDAINE'D BY THE CITY COUNCR, OF THE' CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: 'I'liat the City Council of the City of'Raytown liereby,,ititliorizestliepaysilelitol'ONI,', HUNDR[H) THIR,ry-'rwo 'rVIOUSAND FIVE' HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($132,5 3t . 00) to Da] las Dodge Chrys ler .feel) Ih rough the 1 Iouston-G a] veston Area Coune i I For the purchase of two (2) 2011 Dodge 2500 Crew Cab Pickups and three (3) 2011 Dodge Challengers. Section 2: That I)M'Miant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048, the City Manager is liereby, granred general authority to approve any change order involving a decreaseorSara increase in costs col TWENTY-F'I \1 ETHOU SAND AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) or less, provided that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by niore than twenty-five percent (25'1/1o) without the consent ofthe contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately firom and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown, INTRODUCED, REA 1) and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the -'itv Council of the City of, Baytown this the 25"' day, of October, 2010. APPROVI'D AS TO F(*Nt el 'NACIO RAMIREZ, SR., Cit, A torney o7 I 1'4. "obs I v I 27\1 S'11111171t,�-I-rDONC A R LOS, M