Ordinance No. 11,484ORDINi' NC'f,'NO. 11,484 AN ORDINANCE OF T11F (AITY COLM,1L Ol"I I H,. ('FFYOF BAYT()WN,Tl'�XAS, RF',NF,WING THE CDNT RAC. T OF BASF CORII()RATIONI FOR THF'. ANNUAL (2ATIONIC POLYMER SLJP14.Y CONTRACT AND AITH IORIZING PAY N1FNTBY THF-, CITY OF BAYTOWTHE, SUM OF" SIX'I"Y-1 -'IVI,�'1'1,1(')t)SANI,)'I"Wo HuNI'Mu,"D NINI,`.TY-NINE AND 96/100 DOLTARS (SHIM96); AND PROVIDING FOR 'FHF, F, FFECTI V F, DATETI I I -,R F() F. WHE,RFAS, CIBA Specialty Chcrnic.,-ds Corporation NVaSaw'a1-dCd tile AMIL1,11 Cati(MiC Polymer Supply, Contract on November 25, 2008, pwsualu to competitke bith,ling procedures, which contract included an opthm by the parlics to renew for WPM onelvar periody and \V I II RF'�A S. such contract was renevved on Noymuber 12, 2009, am! can be renewed again for an addilional one-year term; and WH1,`,Rl,',,,AS,, 13ASF CorponWon, sumessur W interest to CIBA Specialty Chemicals Corporation, has indicated its willingness to renew, the c(Alract Ibran addhional year tuider thesarne terns and condhhns; and WHEREAS, the Administration has revie\ked the market conditions and recoinniends renewal as being in the bot imewsi or the City; MW TI HiR EFOR F' Iii ", l ()RDAINFA) 13Y T] IF., Cl]'Y ("�',OUNCJL OFTI 11- CITY OF I3AN-i'0\VNJ'I,-,XAS: Section I. That the City (buncil of We My of Baytown hereby renews the Annual Cationic l'olynwr Suppb; Conunct %61h MA101 CbMoWon Wr the worn of SIX "I'Y-1-WE TI-KAJSAND TWO HUNDRET) NINF,"FY-NINE AND %& 00 DOLLARS ($65>946) and auHwrdcs payment Met& Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions or 1'ems; kwal Government Code Annotated §252A1f'I8, the City Manager is herchy granted getrand aWhority to approve ,my change order involving as decroasc car w increase in costs oFT\k'FNTYJIVE 17FICAMAM) AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25MOOMO)or less, sullect to ties provisk)n that the odgind coraracl price Ina), not be increased by nlore th"'Irl mvnty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) wftWmt the cmnem of Te cmamoorro such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall use enot hmnedhaely Ihwn and after its ji,xssage by tile City ("()line il o f tile City of Bay tow,11, INTR(_` DUCED, READ and PASSED by the afArmadve vote the City Council all` the City of Baytown this the 25"' (hay, oi-October, 2010. AI1PR()VF1,) AST(.) FORM: Mayor rrjNA( 110 Ik TMA MWOMM" CM1WdqA1mAwcM2H1 Y d➢ � Mayor