Ordinance No. 11,480(:"JP,'f3JNANC1.-!, N(-'). 11,480 AN (ARDINANCTIT OF I'l III CAWY cmumm. cm wl as crint' OU' BAY'FOWN, -1 -EXAS ALFFI 101012ZINCi CUIANOLI ORDISIT NC3. I Will I INC,--, I C)R KIM 2010 NIII,I- AND OVIARI-Al" PROJINCT: AUTHOR1251940 PAYMI'MY BY Fu m., AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($375J)tM.00); AND PROVIDING JOCAR THF! FIFFIKCTUWQ� DAVIT THEIMC30, 13FE 11' UFMAIMED-1311 11 UE CATY C7,C)UNCIF, OF WAR CCI'IY (DU' LIAY'FOWN, -FE ASS: Section 1: What the City Council. does hereby at"horize, C artge Order No. I with. F'orde Consmuchon, In", Or the 201 () NI ill and Overlay Prqjocl. A copy of' said change order is attached hereto, mnarkecl F_xhibil "A" ancl nladc as part hereoffor."Ill intents and purposes. Secdon 2: '11lat the Clity Council or the City W Baytown hereby authorizes the pZqnnent of WILITIAT HUNIMMID SHV 1 _I'Y-1`1 VIE THOUSAND AND NQ/100 LXJL.,l_APS ($375,000 00) to 1"(:'w-Jc Consirtic,tion, In", flor Change C,)rder No. I thr the 2010 Mill and Overlary llr(rJect. Suction 3: 'This ordinruice shall lake crinct himieciiatew imn, and niter its passagc by the City C.'cpt.incit ofthe City, of Bayto\vri- v__07 REAL-) and PASSUF) by the MFirtnative vole t,)f tile 21 - cc),uncil qc,-)t- tile City of Baytown this the 25*' day or October, 2(" 0. rl� AS 'F0 F'"ORN/I: L'N 11. DONCAR1,05',, Mayor Exhibit "A" Brief Descrilption of Changes: This Change Order is for the increase of the contract by 25%. This will allow the for the City to take advantage of competetive pricing. EM mn� CO #1 (Addition of fine itern only. Will change contract arnount by Change Order), lnereases contract amount by 25% for additional work pwforrned by the contractor. $ 37 aunt ZMEMMUM= Engineering Date 014rector of Finance Data City Manager Data K#�