Ordinance No. 11,478ORDINANCE NO. 11,478 AN ORDINANCE OF ITIE Cpl 'i" COUNCIL OF—H]I� C"I "F)" OF" BAN"'I"0\VN,'I-I-',XAS, CIF 'A St,,RVICF, A(.jR[,EN-'FONT NVI'I'I,I I IARTFORD LIFL-, & AC,(,]DI-',N'l' INS[,JRAN([,, COMPANY FOR RF-,'l'lRF',E MEDICARE FOR "ITIFCALP.NDAR YEAROHANIJARY 1, 201 IJTlROLJGI I DECEMBER 3 h 201 q AUTFIORIZING PAN"MEN-F BY TI ILA ( "I" BAYTOWN, IN AN ANICE: UNT NOT TO FXCEED FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY - FA)URTHOUSAND AND NOV100 DOLLARS (PS400(I.00Y AYU) PROVII)ING R)R FFFI-,CTJVE DA"I'F*'I'IJFRFOF BL', FFORDAINFJ) i3s, mE cm, COUNCH. OF THE CITY OFBAYT0WN,'I"[`,AS. Section 1: Thm the (Av Council of the city (imanowwrexas, hereby authorizes the renewal of Me ScrKe Agrewnetit with HaaRwd LHI & AcAdern Insurance Company Im Retiree Medicare Supplenient Insurance Senxices, tsar he calendar year onamutry 1, 2011, through December 31, 2011. Sea An 2: 17hat the coy Council of we City ofBaytownauthorizes payment to Flartford Lill: & Accident Insurance Company in an arnowd nm u) exceed 1"OUR, HLJNDRFA) EIGI AN]") NO/100 DOLLARS ($484,000.001, pursuant to the agreement referenced in Section I hereof. Section 3: 'llm Me City hbnagmqs hemby granted geneml aulority to approve any change order involvingadecrease or ,"m increase in costs of TWENTY-NIVI", Tl; JOUSAND ,ND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25A)OROO) or lee; hommver, the orightud em-amet price may not be irwreamd by imme Man twer,five percent (2590) or deereaasccl by more thaii tweno-five percent (25%) xvilhout the cormem of Me contractor to such decrease, Section 41: This ordinance slmll take cHbo inunediately firom and after its passage by the City Council of the City of'Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the =mm& vow of Me Yy Council of the City of Baytown this the 14"' day o10crober, 201 (). i' SR. City Q i ey s'ri,;Pi [ENTMONCARLOS, Mayor R 'Karoi*dcsl,( ny, doc