Ordinance No. 11,477ORDINANCf-, NO. 11,477 AN ORDINANCE OF IE CITY C(_)IJNCIL OFTI IE, CITY OF BAYTOWNTEXAS, AMIJORIZING AN AGREFNI1`,N'I* WITH UNITED HEALTHCARE OF TEXAS, INC, FOR THE SPECIFIC` AND AGGREGATE STOP LOSS COVERAGE; AtITHORIZING PAYN/IJ,N'I` OF AN ANIOUNTNOTTO EXCU,ED SIX HUNDRLD FOR"I'Y-NINE THOUSAND ONI", HUNDRE'D '111IRTY-EIGHT AND NO/100 DOMARS ($&NJ38MW FOR THE SPFUFIC AND AGGIU`,GATI,a STOP LOSS COVERAGE;APW D PROVIS)ING FM THE EFT'Eurin DATFTI IER,1`,OF, BE rr ORDAINED BY TI It", CITY COUNCIL OFTHE, CITY 01"' 11AYTOWN,T ETA S: Section 1: Tiva the C: by Cmmcil of the City of Bay­tmvit Texas, hereby authorizes an, agreement wilth United I lealtliCare ofTexas, hic., For be specific and aggregate mop loss coveimge under testes and conditims sAsWory to be City Nlmmga and We City Anomey. Section 2: "Mra the City Cmiricil of tile City, of Baytown authorizes paynient to (Joired FlealthCare of Texas. hw, th an arnouill not to exceed SIX FORTY-NINE T! MUSAND ONE HUND RED TAIR'ry-EIGI rvAND N0/100 DOLLARS ($649,138,00) pursuant to the agreement renewed in Section 4 hereof, Section 3: Tina Ar the specific and aggregate stop loss coverage, the City Manager is het by gmawd gmwnd awhoMy to appove any change order involving, as decrease or an, increase in costs THOUSAND AND NO/100 D0I_I_,ARS (S25,000.00) or less; however, the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty -tive percent (25%) or decreased by more than twolty-five percent (2551) Whout the emem of be contractor to such deewase. Sectimi 4: "Mis ordhiance shall We MAI inimedhneo •il anti after its passage by the City Council of the City ofilaytown. INTRODUCUJ), READ and PASSED by die affirmative vote of t Q?(Ay Council of tile City of Baytown this the 140 day of Octobeq 2010. APl1Ik0VJ,,�,'D AS TO FORM: K) RAMEREZ, SR. C I _0[ ,I ;NA STYPI-IF,N I'l. DONCARLOS, Mayor