Ordinance No. 11,469ORDINANCLNCB. 11,469 AN ORDINANCI" OF THF CITY COUNCIL O' '11,117 CITY Of BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE' PAYMI NT OF TWO HUNDRED F"IFTY-SIX 'I'l-IOLISAND SIX HUNDRE'D S1,-.VEN'I"N,'-SI'%VI',.N AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS ($256,67TOO) "FO TJ. '. HARPER AND ASSOCIA"I'ES, LP., FOR THE PURCIHAS[.1 AND INSTALLA"TION 01'BLEACHEIR R001"S LOCAL(JOVERNMENT PURCHASING C00I1F1RA'TlV1-'--1 (BUY BOARD); MAKING OTI I PROVISIONS RE'l-A'I"'ED THERI"I"O; AND PROVRANG F'OR DATETHIERFIOF. WHEREAS, the City ot'Bay-towil is as nlember of the cooperative purchasing progravil established under Sections 271,082 and 271.083 oftheTexas Local Government Code; and W ["I ER A S, the Texas Local ('30verlu'llent Purchasing Cooperative's Buy Board Program is such as prograrn, '111OWil'lg llRllliCil)aIitieS to pUrChaSe products and/or se"Mcs in all 01-1cient, cost effective, and conipetitive procurement method; and WI II ICI tile City off-3aytown in makinga purchase under a state contract through such cooperative juirchasing program satisfies state law requiring Innnicipalities to seek competitive bids for the purchase ofthe itern; NOWTHERE]"'ORF, BE ORDAINED 13Y THE, CITY C01 JNC1L 01"I'l IECITY OF BAY TOWN, TEXAS: Section I: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby authorizes the payment of'rWO I1 NDRF"D FIFTY-SIX THOUSAND SIX HUNDRI'D SEVENTY-SEVEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($256,677.00) tar 'f'.]"° ', 1-harper and Associates, I.T., l'orthe purchase and installation ofbleaclici-i-oot's o,itsevei'aI little league fields through the Tex,,Is Local Governinew Purchasing Cooperative (Buy Board) sub ect to terms and J conditions acceptable to the City Manager and City Attorney. Section 2: That the City Manager is hereby l'11:111tcd l2clle]1111 authority to approve an), change order involving as decrease or ain increase in costs of TWENTY- FIVE T'HOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) or less, provided that tile original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-fi ve perecilt 4'251/10 or decreased by nlore than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent of the contractor to SLIC11 decrease. Swim 3: This ordinance shall take eff ct inunediately from and afler its passage by, tile CityCoullcil of the City ot'l3a)rtown, /I INTRODUCED, READ and PASSEID by tile alfinnalive vole of tile City Council of tile City ol'Baytown this tile 1,1e°` (Jay of'October, 2010, AC RAMIRE 4N it)''A' onley, 'Z, SR�, City, SI"El�lpf'l:N'1,1:-r5oNCARI,,OS, Mayor