Ordinance No. 11,467(JRDINANC.F` NO. 11,467 AN ORDINANCL 01: 'fill," CITY COI �NCIL OF' THL CITY OF BAYTOWN, TE'XAS, AUTHORIZING AND D[RECTIN(iTIIFCITY MANAGEIRTO F',XF-'CUTE AND THE cTrY CLU'RK TOATH,,.STTOTI IE FIFTH ANIFNI)NIFINT'"VOTI IE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FINAL DESIGN Sl,--1'RVICI,,`1S FOR ,run.'NORT11 MAIN. NDI- I OUTILITY PROJECT WITH LANGFORD l,-'NG1NI`ER1NG, INC.; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT IN AN AN10()N'I'NOI"[*OEX(. 'I--.'I"[)'I'\kll"N'I'Y-NINIm"'['IlOt.IS)\Nl') FOURHUNDREDEIGHTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS (S29,480,00); MAKINGari IF" ' it PROVISIONS RELATEDTHERF-FO; AND PROVIDING FORTI IE EFFECTIVE D�A FETI IEREOF. BE ITORDAINED BY THE CITYCOUNCIL, OF TI 11" Section 1: That the City Council ofthe City ofBaylown,"I'exas, hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager to execute and the City Clerk lo attest to the Fillh Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement for final design services t1or the North Main and I -10 LAility ProJect with kingford Engineering, [tic. A copy ofsaid Fifill Amendment is attached licrew, marked E'xhibit "A," and madca part hereoff'or all intents nand purposes. Section 2: That tile City Council of the City (,It' Baytown authorizes funds payable to I-angford, Engineering, hic., ill anal-iloUllt not to cxcecdTWEN'I*Y-N INE''I'l- IOU SAN I,) FOUR HUNDRE-1) FIGHTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($29,480,00) Im engineering services ill accordance with the Amendment authorized ill Section I hereinabove. Section 3: This cndillance shall take efl�ct innnediately 1'rom and after its passage by the City, Council (11' the City 01'13aytown, /1, TI O")DUEDADtnd R \SSFX) by, theaffin-tiative vole ofthe C I lie 14"' dof'Odobcr, 20 10. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ?i1t Na AtC 10 R A M I R I" Z, SEA:,, i Attorney 6121 ncil of the City, offlaylown Ill is DONC,ARLOS, Mayor Exhibit "A" FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STATE OF TEXAS c COUNTY OF HARRIS This Fifth Amendment ( "Fifth Amendment') to that certain "Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services" between the City of Baytown and Langford Engineering, Inc., dated October 25, 2006, and amended on August 7, 2007, and on June 4, 2008, and on September 15, 2009, and on July 22, 2010, is made by and between the same parties on the date hereinafter last specified. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS. the City of Baytown ( "Owner ") and Langford Engineering, Inc., ( "Engineer ") did enter into a Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services associated with the North Main /IH -10 Utility Project, on October 25, 2006, ( "Agreement') for an amount not to exceed FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY -SEVEN THOUSAND FORTY -TWO AND 25/100 DOLLARS (5557.042.25); and WHEREAS, the Owner and Engineer thereafter entered into the First Amendment to the Agreement on August 7, 2007, (**First Amendmenf') in order for the Engineer to perform additional surveying and geotechnical services based upon a change in the location of the sewer collection facilities previously selected by the Owner for an amount not to exceed NINE THOUSAND AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($9.000.00); and WHEREAS, the Owner and Engineer thereafter entered into the Second Amendment to the Agreement on June 4, 2008, ("Second Amendment ") in order for the Engineer to perform additional engineering and subconsultant services for the following items: 1. re- evaluating design constraints related to anticipated sewer flows in the Northeast District Service Area; 2. adding a second regional lift station to be located on the west side of North Main, approximately 3.600 feet south of IH -l0; 3. adding approximately 6,700 LF of sanitary sewer force from the proposed lift station on I -10 to the Northeast District Collection System at Sjolander and IH -10; and 4. preparing written legal descriptions for approximately forty (40) sanitary sewer and construction easement tracts along North Main and IH -l0 and two lift station easements; for an amount not to exceed ONE HUNDRED SIXTY -FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($164,800.00); and WHEREAS, the Owner and Engineer thcreaiier entered into the Third Amendment to the Agreement on September 15, 2009, ('=Third Amendment ") in order for the Engineer to perform additional engineering services for the following items: I. addition of permanent, automatic starting standby generators at proposed Lift Station No. I and No. 2; and 2. addition of permanent structures to sheltr pump /valve pits and lift station controls, including accommodations for monorail lifting equipment at proposed Lift Station No. 1 and No. 2 for an amount not to exceed FORTY -SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY - SEVCN AND 32/100 DOLLARS ($47,887.32); and WHEREAS, the Owner and Engineer thereafter entered into the Fourth Amendment to the Agreement on July 22, 2010, ("Fourth Amendment") in order for the Engineer to perform additional engineering services for the following items: 1. revise plan and profile sheets, plus affected detail sheets to add approximately 21.600 LF of dual 6" communication conduit parallel to the proposed water and sewer improvements, including revisions and /or redesign of bored and /or cased crossings including IH -10 at North Main; 2. add a specification item for conduit, pull boxes and trench construction requirements; 3, revise bid documents to include two alternate bid items for communication conduit bid prices for the following locations: Alternate 1: south of Archer Road by Baytown Christian Academy to North of 1H -10 Alternate 2: N. Main to Sjolander north of 1 -10; and 4. resubmit affected sheets to pipeline companies for review and approval; and for an amount not to exceed FORTY -SIX THOUSAND SEVENTY -THREE AND 69/100 DOLLARS ($46,073.69); and WHEREAS, to accommodate future right -of -way alignment of N. Main, the Owner desires to revise the location of the proposed sanitary sewer lines, which necessitates additional surveying services, and to add communication conduit along the realignment for an amount not to exceed TWENTY -NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($29,480.00); and WHEREAS, Engineer desires to perform the work specified herein in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this Fifth Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, the Third Amendment, the Second Amendment, the First Amendment, and the Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby mutually agree as follows: Fifth Amendment to the Standard Form of Astreament henveen Owner and Enninecr for Professional , Page 2 E al8d 'MmMaS as nt t JO/pue suolslnaJ ilulpnlout 'sivawanoJdwt Jamas pug J;)ivm pasodoJd aql of lalleaed i!npuoo uotleotunwwoo ..9 lenp Jo j"1 009' l Z Alaiewlxoiddg ppe of shays I!eiap paioaJJe snld'sm4s alyoJd pug ueld astnaJ (e) :irnpuoa uollgolunwwoo 041 •S `Z 'ON pug I *ON uollgis iJ!,j iv wawdrnba Bu!Uq I!wouow JoJ uopopowtumv ilutpnlou! 'slwtuoo uopgls U!I pug sl!d aAlen /dwnd MRS of swnianJis aweJJ jams pasodoJd DIOPOwwoaae of sivawanwdwi ageump pug 1noAul al!s 'uglsap lonJ 3ulpnlaut 'sJowjaua3 Xgpueis pasodoJd omi JoJ 1no.tel loJwoo pug IeotJwala Jo uolleulpa000 'uopoalas wawdmba yno4al 01!s 'u8tsap 041 •t, :uopeJedaJd l!elap Pug uopwUpods -ueld `uolleilnsuoo :Sutdtd Pug sdwnd tupawt 41!m mou Mead alewllln (palowtlsa) alepowwoaae 01 pau8tsop aq of aJnl3w i!d tip /lloA% jam uo!igls U!I •Z �01-I•!I Pug Japuelofs lg uotleool wais,(s uo11331103 Bulls= 341 01 )sea'uolteis AM 01-1.11 341 Jo ai!s 341 woJl ulgw aaJOJ wuaiul pasodotd a Pug 01-1-11 Jo 41nos `u!elN 41JON uo p3113301 k!l!ag,I uotieis U!I pasodoJd a Jo sioadse BulJamflua Into pug u9csop Butdtd •uotlaolas dutnd •1noo(ol al!s -Asap aqt • l :JaJ saatAms 3uinaulguo assaq •e :solgWanllap Jo sysei 3sg4d uStsaa Iguld Iguolllppe 3ut,riolloJ aql ap!noJd Jo uuoJJad s•Z :I1e4s'I33NIDN3 '- d-lNMO woJJ uotintiogine uaillim uodn Pug •l)afoud aqi JoJ Jo Jo sluawwinbaJ u8tsap Jo 'JaloeJega •waixa 'adoas aqi w saguega Jo suotlgaUtpow palaw!p-?I3NM0 dug of loafgns 1ng •0s04d uglsav dJ6wllaJd aql ut pautuuaiap se 1soJ uononJlsuoO algggwdJo sualutdo paslnaJ pue suwwnaop asegd u9ls2p gJeutwllwd 041 Jo d'NMO A aougldaooe JaUV 'V asntld uXts0a lnuid ZO' I V :swolloJ se pgaJ 01 papuawe Agai34 st ivawaJ3V aqi Jo ,;V,, 1tq!4x3 u! pauleluo3 S'Z'V'ZO' IV t1dgJBeJgd I07 •stuaw uawV •Z •sluawpuawV gtunoj pug 'pJ14J, •puoaas •isJld pug luawaaJgV 341 ut se ssulusaut awes 241 ane4 Ilutls luawpuawV giJ!3 slgi u! pasn se sasea4d Pug spJO,%% 'ixaluoo 341 woJJ Meadda ,(lJealo Butuuaw woJaJJ!p c ssalun •suotT • 1 redesign of bored and/or cased crossings including 114- 10 at North Main; (b) add a specification item for conduit, pull boxes and trench construction requirements; (c) revise bid documents to include two alternate bid items for communication conduit bid prices for the following locations: Alternate I: south or Archer Road by Baytown Christian Academy to North of 111- 10 Alternate 2: N. Main to Sjolander north of 1 -10; and (d) resubmit affected sheets to pipeline companies for review and approval; b. structural engineering services, 1. including consultations, plans. specifications and detail preparation: and 2. for the design of structural elements associated with steel i'mme shelters at each lift station, including framing necessary to accommodate monorail lifting system and construction phase services, including site visits and submittal review. Shelters shall be designed for 130 mph wind loading in accordance with the OWNER's requirements; e. electrical engineering services for: I . the design of interim components and controls for a sanitary sewer lift station, including consultation plan, specification and detail preparation; and 2. the design and control layouts necessary for automatic starting standby generators at the two (2) proposed lift station facilities associated with this project, and construction phase services, including site visits and submittal reviews; d. surveying services, including: 1. establishing horizontal and vertical control for the Project on the OWNER datum; 2. stake proposed right -of -way at 100' sta and P. I.; 3. cross sections at 100' intervals (east R.O.W. expansion); 4. visible utilities with flow lines; 5. one call for dry utilities with locate; 6. locate surface improvements within proposed right -of- way /easement; 7. verify right -of- -way alignment (existing); Fifth Amendment to the Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Engine r for Prorellional Services, Page 4 8. relate to OWNER datum; 9. furnish filed notes/sketches and point data; 10. record research/abstracting for proposed easements;and 11. furnish sealed easement descriptions and exhibits. ENGINEER shall complete the design phase and perform services that are necessary to revise the location of the proposed sa,iitary sewer, and add 2 six-inch communication conduits along the sewer alignment. 2.02 Paragraph C4.05.A contained in Exhibit "C" of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: C4.05 For ENGINEER's Consultant's Charges A. (Modified) Whenever compensation to ENGINEER herein is stated to include charges of ENGINEER's Consultants, those charges shall be the amo .nts billed by ENGINEFR's Consultants to ENGINEER times a Factor of 1.1. The consultant charges shall not exceed the following amounts specified for each of the following services, unless approved in writing by the OWNER. The charges include the factor, and are as follows: (1) Surveying $ 85,916.00 (2) Geotechnical $ 65,164.00 (3) Structural $ 60,952.00 (4) Electrical $ 18,500.00 3. Entire Agreement. The provisions of this Fifth Amendment and the provisions of the Fourth Amendment, Third Amendment, Second Amendment, First Amendment and the Agreement should be read together and construed as one agreement provided that, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this Fifth Amendment and the provisions of the Fourth Amendment. Third Amendment, Second Amendment, First Amendment and/or the Agreement, the provisions of this Fifth Amendment shall control. Nothing contained in this Fifth Amendment shall be construed in any way to limit or to waive the City's sovereign immunity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment in multiple copies, each of which shall be deerpM to be an original, but all of which shall constitute but one and the same amendment, this day of October , 2010, the date of execution by the City Manager. CITY YT WNW By: GARRISON C UMBACK, City Manager Fifth Amendment to the Standard Form.of Agreement bet,"een Owner and Engineer for Professional Services,Page 5 ATT T: A(T L OICIA GA A# City APPROVED AS NACIO RAMIREZ, SR., Cit torney LANGFORD ENGINEERING, INC. By: (Signs ure) (Printed Name) (Title) ATTEST: ortary R Karen Files Engneenng\Engmeenng AgreementsU.angford%onh\lam\\ater Distnbm,on and Smory Server CollecttonTlFTH AMENDMENT doc Fifth Amendment to the Standard Form of Agreement bemeen Owner and Engineer for Professional Services,Page 6