Ordinance No. 11,466('.)RD1NANCL-.', NO� 11,466
AN CNADMANC31 UF wiF C. ccxJN(:II. (110 '111E CTFY CA-' I 1AY-VOWN, 'F S,
AC,CE-VIAND Will 13FID C340 AINALN, rowwwowswisis w3m w its wi-A,i-
IYUKEECT14 AUKHOMIZING PAYNIEN71"BY71 11 CFFY 01= 13,"t VC A NNF 14 Ili "r i I 11 A 10 0 U Wr 0 1 ,"
C.) N L N1 I L . L I (--') N 'F] II 11 N 'I I I C�) I JSA D, A Pq DIAN 1 00 IML KA Its; (AR 1,0 1 3,0(11),00); Mix PC !NC;
U71-1104 1ARONVISIONS REI-Wrim wunwwro; wws wtoNm3ow iocw 'rim EFFIRCIAVI.",
WHEREAS, the Engincerkig IMM"Wric"t wr the chy, or Baylx"vn adver"sed hicks 1-or the Lanier Water.
won Project "3 be received SQpu.�tnbor 23, 20A W, and
NAMEREAS, notice to bidders as to, (tic linic and place, %viien and v,.,here the Contract w-ould be let Nvas
publAhed Imrsuant to the provisions ol'Chnimur 252 Wlho 'Fexas I-ocal Ciovernnient Code, and
Wi 1ERF.AS, all bids Opened 1:111d J-)Uhlialy read at the Baylo%vn C�.ity I Pan at 3:00 p.nn, "I'Stmsday,
Septca-t-k 23, 2010, as par PUbI Wad nonce to lAdders; 14C)NN, r ri jwwfxwr,
B L FF 0 P?, [)A I N I E ID B Y 'FJ I I �, CAA -V CO L) N (71 L C) 1` AT I F,.', C I'M- C": I 11% YNO NV 14, "F IT X A S :
sectiolt I - 'Fhat the Ch�,,- cWtho City horQb-y occeptS the bid OFAIM31 IZICCM130101ECLI
f1l,r the 1-anier Water well 111rqject according to the plans mu] specilications set U-n-th by the City's FAigincer and
a"thuri✓es lonyineni or an antount or cow mn.wopQ 'Fiawrijusi "ritowwwow AmNE) N(-,3/100, DC31A.AINIZ,
($1,013,000.00) based upon the unit prices specified in the bid, mid the City and the City Clark ofthe City
are liercby,-,it.ilho"zcd a"d directed to execute and attest to an Contract with Alsay Incorp-cwated lorthe above-described
imc.ject, said contract conwhAng, the platis, Spec in Cal ions, and I-cquiren-icuts of the City's L.ngincer mid appn>M-iMe
bond requixeinctus in accordance with the pr(:,)x'kJonS CA—Vexas Governnient f-,',ode, Chatmer 2253,
Section 2: 'that rnu-snalit to the prowsio"s cwwuxas Encal Onverninent Ccode Ann.olated §252A)48, the
(Thy Manager is hcreb,,° gnn-ned gvneral nuduwn.y to approve any change order involving as decrease or ail inercasc in
costs som ww oo r3cju.AARS (S,25,000.00) or less, snk1ject to the provision that
the original vcwttraet price n-lay not b'o increased by 1114we th'-ul percent (25,�) by more than
twenty-five percent (259" wahout Chu con swit orthe contractor to such decrease.
Sectic)n 3. "[,"his ordinance shall take effect iuiniecJiately rwrn and anci- it, passage by the City C-'Okincil iof
die City of l3aytown .
1N'FR(,)F3UCL%D, IZE',jND and INNSS113 by the affinualive vote ortile cx-"h�"oltncil c)V11vV, City ot'Baytowli this
I he 14" day of Ocl,oben 201
e- I
" "k I 0',(Jcto,b' I
S -Y`VT� 1 -11 :-N It, [--)<)N(-'A F,'l-CJS, Nlf-ayor