Ordinance No. 11,465ORDINANCE No. 11,465 AN (.,)R1ANANCI,,-, OF THE CITY C,0UNC11, OF THE CTI'A OF BAYT(. WN, TEXAS, ACCEPTING THE 1311) OF' BAY TOWN COMPANY FOR THF' MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER (NISC) (IFNERATOR SY11101 PROJF'C'F; A1,Y]"I 10RIZING PAYMEXF 13Y TI IE C'ITY OF BAYTOWN 154 ITIE AMOUNT OF ()NE ]LUNDRF",,D SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND FIFTY-FIVE AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($167,0555.00); MAKING OTHER PROViSIONS RELATED HE AND PROVIDING F'OR T1113 EFFE'C'FIVE IAA 1; 11 IEREOF. WHEREAS, Me Engirieatng Department for he Chy of Bayttavri advertised Or bkh Nr the Mmilipal Service (Center (AMSC) Generator Systan Project to be received September 29, 201 0; and \Vl,IF",RF,.'AS, notice to Was as to the thic and pNco %den anal idere the contract wouk! be Net was published pursuant to Me pi-owisions of'Chapter 252 orme hm, Local Gowmirient Code; and k\1 IF. Rl,`,AS, all bids Nvere opened and publiody read at die Baytown City INU at 210 pm, Wedtiesday, Sepernber 29, 201% as per published notice to bidders; NOW Tril',REFORF. BE IT ORDAINEI) BY Tl IF CITY COUNCIL OF TI IE CITY OFBAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: That the (Ty CowwH of the (Ty orBaytowm hereby accepts the bkJ or Baytomai Electric Compmv Ror the Municipal Service Cemer(MSQ (knenuor System Project according too the plans and specifications set Rstlh by the City's Engineer and authocims payment of an amourit. col. ONI" I IUNDRED SIX'I'N'-Sl--',Vi,,,'N 11 JOUSAND FIF"TY-FIVE AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS, (S 167,055,00) based upon the unit prices specified in the b,id and the City Manager and the City Clmt of We City are hereby at][110riZCd and dil-CCIC(l to CACCute a111(.lattesl to as contract vvhh Baytown Ekcqic Unnpuny tier the above-desuibed p§ect, said contract containing he plan spedfIcatimm, and requNfrTIMIS Of the Chy4 Engineer and appropt-hne bond requirements in accordance with (lie provNions Alms (,'jovernnieni Code, Chapter 2251 Section 2: That pursuant too the pro0shns of Texas Local Government Code Annotated §25ZO48, We City Manager is hereby granted gowral authoMyio, appmve any cNmgc caroler involving as decrease or an increase in costs of'IVF'N'I'N-FlVI',,TI IOUSAN 1) AND N()/I 00 DOLLARS ($25400,00) Or less, SUJ�jCd to the provishn that the odghml contract pi-ice nuy not be increased by encore than twenty-five percent (2 511) or decreased by more that] twenty -five percent (2591) wilmn Me emnmq orthe conuaciAr to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take emetiminedialely (room and aller its passage by the City Council of the cits, or Baytown, IN'I'K0DL.JCI-,',D, READ and PASSED by the allki native vote ofthe C the 14' "' day of0clober, 2010, d 0 7 c7liNNUO RAMIREZ, SR., Cit tiorney S ouncil offlIQ City ofBay-town this DONCARLOS, Mayor