Ordinance No. 11,468ORDINANCE" O. 11,408 AN ( I )RDINANCE Of," THE' CTI'Y COUNCIL OF T111", CITY OF BAYTOWN, '11'.XAS, AUTHORIZIM"j'ri-ir, PAYMENT01"' ONE . HUNDRED NI " JOU SAN 1) FIVE HUNDRF:D FO RTY -TH R 1.11L" AND 38/100 DOL,LARS ($198,54338) TO KRAFTSMAN, LT., FOR T141' " PURCHASE AND INSTALLA1 ]ON OFA SPLAS I I DEICK ATB F' RGFRON PARK THROUGH I'M.. 'n�IxAs LOCAL (.jOVf"RNN1I-NT PURCHASING C'0011"RATIVE (BUY BOARD); MAKING o'na,j( i,wvisms iu,'i-ATED 11111"RETO-, AND PROVIDING FOR 1111: E F F ITTI V F DATE '1111? R EO 1: *** * * ** *** * * **** * * * ***** * * ** *4 4- * * *4 * ****** *44 * # * * * * * ** * **** * * ******* * * * ** * * ** * *,* * * ** * WHEREAS, the City, of Baytown is a member of the cooperative purchasing program established under Sections 27'1 M82 and 271.(711;3 ol'the Texas Local Government Cocle; and Wl,fF'RF".AS, the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative 's BUy, I'loard Prograrn is sucha program, allowing inunicipalities to purchase products and/or services in an efficient, cost effective, and competitive procurement method; and WHI.-IRI"'AS, the City (:)I* Baytown in making as purchase under as state contract through such cooperative purchasing, prograrn satisfies state law requiring municipalities to seek competitive bids. t1orthe purchase ot'the item; NOW THEREF"OR [",' 131; IT() R DA I N I" D BYTI 11 " C ITY ("0, LJ N C I I ., () I "TH E CITY OF 13 AYTO W N, TI "X A S: Section 1: That the ('.',ity Council cat' the (21ty oC Baytown hereby authorizes the payment of* ONE. IIUNDRI:l) NINE"FY-1-11GHT' THOUSAND FIVE' HUNDRED Foizry-'ruiREE AND -18/100 DOLI,ARS ($198,543.38) to Kraftsuilan, I-P., Ibr the purchase and instillation ot7a splash deck at Bergeron Park through the Texas Local Govermnent Purchasing Cooperative (Buy Board) subJect to terinsand conditions acceptable to the City Section 2: That the City, Manager is lwreby granted gerwral authority to approve any change order involving a decrease Or an increase in costs, of I'Wl-"N'r),-FIVI THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000,0(7) or less,, provided that the original contract price may not be increased by, more than twellty-five percent (25%) or decreased by nIorc than twenty-five pereent (251,14,) willIOLIt the consent of tile contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall to effect immediately ftonland Ater its passage by tile City Council of, tile Citv or Ila ylOwlE INTRODUCED, RE AI) and PASSED by the aflirmative vote ol'the C, the 141 "a` clay ol'Odober, 2,010. MWIM� Y LF"TIC111 city ,010MVI.: e" �IN �N;AC e10 RA N1 I R I - Z, S I t ., C i t y ,fit o I- e y RT"arvvTfles' ()Iyc Aa uCll Wdm STI Yl I IN licil of tile city, of'Baytown this CARLOS, Mayor