Ordinance No. 11,423ORDINANCE NO. 11.423 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS. AUTHORIZING THE ABANDONMENT AND SALE OF THE CITY'S INTEREST IN A PORTION OF THE DALLAS STREET RIGHT -OF- WAY TO BAYTOWN HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC., CONTINGENT UPON THE PAYMENT OF FAIR MARKET VALUE; DETERMINING THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF SUCH RIGHT -OF -WAY AUTHORIZED TO BE ABANDONED HEREIN, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED UPON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT FOR THE ABANDONMENT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS, Baytown Habitat For Humanity. Inc., has petitioned the City for the abandonment of a portion of the Dallas Street right- of-way: and VvTIEREAS. Baytown Habitat For Humanity. Inc.. has received releases from utility companies releasing their interests in the right -of -way: and WI IEREAS. the right -of -way subject to the petition for abandonment referenced herein is no longer necessary for the City: and WHEREAS, contingent upon receipt of payment as required in Section 2 -767 of the Code of Ordinances. Baytowri. Texas, the City is willing to abandon portions of the above - referenced right -of -way: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Bayto% n, Texas. hereby authorizes the abandonment of that portion of Dallas Street right -of -way as more particularly described in Exhibit "A." which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes subject to the payment of fair market value as specified in Section 2. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas. hereby finds that the fair market value of the right -of -way is determined to be FOUR THOUSAND NINE HiJNDRED FIFTY AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($4,950.00). Section 3: That upon receipt of the payment required herein, the Mayor is hereby °ranted the general authority to execute a quitclaim deed. conveying its interest in the property described in Exhibit "A" to Baytown Habitat For Humanity, Inc. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affi City of Baytown this the 26th day of August. 2010. O FORM: ACIO RAMIREZ. SR.. CifyjAttorney A vote of the City Council of the I- IE'N-W;,-60NCARLOS, Mayor RAKaren\Files\City Council\Ordinances120101August 26W bitndounlen tofPortlonofDallasStreetROW .doe I� W Q Exhibit "A" PISLD NOTE DBSCRIPION 10,000 SQUARE FEET A PORTION OF DALLAS STREET Cr" OF BAY1'OWN. TOUS Bobrg a I oAw equm teat tract or patd of land efmatod In the Wbimey Britton Survey, Abdmd No. I 16, Hwb Co=IN Texan, and bateg a pordon of Dallas Sheet, a So fat wide Right of Way ova and amaa Blact 14 u abmo on, the map or pld of d a H. O. Rolm Sub&vWcm acoosding to tba gasp or pl a thasmof mcmdad In Volum 539 Page 620 of die Dead Retards of Harrfg Cmmq, Twm and do T. N. Pringle Subdivision, coca rdlM to tits map or plat thereof mcaied In Vblu mo 372 Pane 248 of the Deed Records of Harris County. 7w omen. said 10,000 being tome pmdouluiy db- bcd by meta and bounds as Mawr. HEt31NNINO at o 1/2" tram tad with ploatio sap stumped "RPLS 4980" fAtntd at do Werveadoo of the south HIM) of Hoasan 8ltree1. 30 hd wide, and 28 west tine of Da m Rovat. So &a wide. fat the =dm* mm dLot 6 of Block 14 of said K O. Ramat llubdivisioo. add rod bsviog a State Plans Otid Coon thm of N - 13640927.01 sad E o 3230160.95, Mr gm nordAvent coma of the harms dualbed naeh TMIL$ N 7702951" B, over wd amm Dallas 8heot, a dista m of $0.00 fat, to a W lrm rod 4rmrd ihr the aordrwest castor of Lot 1 Block 13 of geld IL M Rates Sabdh id0n, lbr the Irtta mectim of the mug Ilno of Dow Mmes sad 11:0 wulh Has of FI men Saw% for tine oxam st aarna of the hwwa dweraw taxh, THENCE S 12130'10" B, dlaag the west llae of uld Block 17 of said KO. Roved Sandivlsi % Ping st 100.00 Rot a i!1" Iram wd wltb ple:dc cap stssaped "RPL9 4410' lbuad for tbo uossfbvrmt aataF Of Lot 1 Block 13 of said H. 0. Rotes Sobdivialm and the 004mast coats of Lot 8 Block 13 of aid T. N. Prbsgie Subdivision and oandmdag along the west line of acid Block 13 9= a total disc m of 200.00 bet, to a IA" laver rod with plasdo cap moped "RPLS 4980' !bond for the southeast somas of said Lai 8 acrd belag the idaaseodm of tits east Hne of Dallas 8troot and tlra north llae arf Alva Sttmet. 50 Amt *We, fat dw wothaut comer of tam harem dceadbod tnec; TMMt3 S 71°2951" W, over !tad tutors Dallas Street, a dfa=w of 50.00 Ret, to a 1/2" Iran rod with pl Wo sap stampod "RPLS 4910" !Rand fx the aotrdwm ooewc of Lot 7 Block 14 of said T. N. Pdngk 8ubdlvisiao and "isdmudkin of rho wont Him of Dallas Shat and the noriit Use ofAlva Suva; for too WU%bV K acmes of the !such 60=001d near; TIMX13 N 12' 3070" W. 43oa8 the seat Ban of Lot 7 Bloch 14 aft aid T. N. Pda81a 9ab&eWm, a oo�of Lai Black 14 of uM T. N, Ptfagle 8nb� lsl the 9wWxaa coma of lA 6 Bbdc 41 of old H0. Rosso Sabddvidan tad ooadat>tag aloag the cast lfaa of Lot 7 Block 14 cf the add H.O. Rolm euMvisloa for a total dlstaam of 200.00 f6 m. to the POWT OP BBOINN NO, coaainiag ■ caloulsted ua of 10.000 sgwo Vast of bmi Note: This A" we deaariptlon of part of the plat of same data The bearing, shown barman, aro ro8amced to the Stater Plsaa Coordladm 8yatam, Saudi Coashal Zaas, NAD 83 (2007).