Ordinance No. 11,415ORDINANCE NO. 11,415 AN ORDINANCE 01= "I III? CITY COU?vCIL. CITY 01--'BAY-1-OWN. "1'EXAS, ACCEPTING "I -I-IE BID OF BYRDSON SERVICES, LLC, D /B /A I XCEI -EO CONS'I'RUC "I'ION FOR HOUSING REIIABILI'l -A "PION PIZO.IECTS LOCATED AT 1903 TENNESSEE STREET, 1201 CYPRI3SS, 1720 MARYLAND, AND 1120 CYPRESS; AUTHORIZING PAYMEN '1' IN AN AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDRED FORTY -FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($245,400.00): MAKING O"I'IIER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO: AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DA"1-1 THEREOF_ WHEREAS- the occupants and the following structures have been approved to participate in the Owner- Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program for low- income households 1903 Tennessee Street ; 2.064 ft' 1949 560,94.3.52 1201 C% press 1652 ft-7 1937 $58.91 1.58 1720 m ar% land 1 .526 ft- 1940 $38.967.55 1 120 C,, press 612 ft, 1940 542,73 1 .73 and WI- IF_REAS, because ot- the high repair costs. the City of Baytown submitted the reconstruction ot- the structures to competitive bid by publishing notice oi' the time and place, when and where such contract would be awarded as provided by Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.041: and N 'HEREAS, all bids were opened and publicly read at City [-fall, as provided by said notice and the following —were the results of the competitive bid process: 1903 Tennessee Street 1.095 ft- S62.900.00 1_20 1 C} press 1 .050 ft- S60.800.00 1720 Mar% land j 1 .050 ft; S59.800_QO 1 120 Cv press 1.054 ft- S61-900.00 NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED 13Y "I'HE CITY COUNCIL OF 'FHE CITY OF BAY "I'OWN__ - FEXAS: S4��cllwl '6 : 'i thc, (Ity ('(=61 hemby accepis die bid (,,)i' Byrdsort serviccs^ IA'C d/h/a Excello (Nmuchon Q die housing rehabilitatOn pry"ects located at IVICK3 'Quiessee Suvo. 1201 Qpwsz 1720 Nluyhnl :md 1120 Cypmss Seclion 1 Fhat the Cit.v Manag,�.r and the City Clerk, ""u-C hereby, �'uahorizcd arld d T'CdCd k cxecu(C and a,wcm hi as convacl NO Byrdson Smkem LAIL WK la. cOlo (.'(-)nstruetuon for die reconsaucOm of We Woming single-AmMy homes fim: 11te sure of"I"N"O MJ,'Nd)P,F]) FORTY-HU 11H)USAND FOLK H11NDR+1) A"',,T)i NO/H)() [)()l'J-!\RS 4S245, W().00O a 1S LICUIHed Section 3: I hat pursuant w the proSions of Oxas I Awal Gwennnent CAW Artmand § 252MW We Ciq—Nlanuger is Web) grwiwd gencr,':d aIUOIOI�ky 10 ul)J)RWC Unt ,' Change orck.-'-r, involvity a decoase or an iricrease in co s (,& TWFNT)"-F']%T, THOUS/ L) ANM NO /WO D()UaARS (S25MOOMO) m less, sultect to the provision ffiat the original coninm pdcc nmy m be increased by nu)ic than tape nty-five rwmeia (25%) or denvoed by nuve Ihn menty-live percent Q531) wilhow We cowsent ol'the contractor to such de�..,rease. "),ection INS Omlimme shnH r'nk'e cffect inimechatel 'Iss'q"' .y Lrom and ""Ifter its 11, 'C by we MY C 1mcd 0 r we C A.y () F I In, tom n, "0' INTRMAM WAD and PASS E1.) b"? the affl rm""aive vc�qk4cd' Ole (""ity ('ouncil of the C i r v o f Ifa.R vra vo r tl I i s dw I .2'r' J 'r v () f :"' u, Lim. 20 10 .ATTHS 9TTICIA C Fr; RNI: T i VIA Cc 1 0 1 A 'i N N H R E I SR , ' 01 Ammy 11, D()N('AR[,()S. 'vfia'Vor R: OVO "RS UP 12LUB(MCK01humdoc I