Ordinance No. 11,408ORDINANCE NO. 11,408 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS_ AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND ATTEST TO A CONTRACT WI -1 -11 JIMERSON UNDERGROUND, INC.- FOR THE INS_I'AI_LATION OF A I2 -INCI I SAN ITA RY SEWER EXTENSION NEAR I- IIGIILAND FARMS; AU "hIIORIZING PAYMENT BY TIIE CI'T'Y OF BAYTC)WN IN THE AMOU -NT OF ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-E-101-IT TI IOUSAND "I- I-IREE HUNDRED SIXTY -NINE AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($158.369.00): AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO_ 1 FOR THE SAID PROJECT TO ADD AN ADDITIONAL 495 LINEAR FOOT SEGMENT OF SANITARY SEWER INCLUDING TWO NEW NIAN1 -10LES FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. IN 1-11 E AMOUNT OF THIRTY -FOUR 'I'I IOUSAN0 TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE_ NO /100 DOLLARS ($34.225.00) FOR SUCH CHANGE ORDER: MAKING OTI -IER PROVISIONS RELATED TIIERETO: AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS_ the City Council ofthe City of Baytown did authorize the City Engineer to advertise for bids for the installation of a 12 -inch sanitary sewer extension near Highland Farms to be received July 22. 201 0, and %%'HER -EAS_ notice to bidders as to the time and place, when and where the contract for said construction would be let was published pursuant to provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated 252.041: and WHEREAS. all bids %were opened and publicly read at City Hail at 2:00 o'clock p.rn.. Thursday. July 22. 201 O_ as per published notice to bidders: NOR' THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN_ TEXAS: Section t: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby accepts the bid of Jimerson Underground. Inc._ for the installation of a 12-inch sanitary sewer extension near Highland Farms according to the plans and specifications set forth by the City Engineer for the sum of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY - EIGI -IT TI IOUSAND TI IREE I IUN-DRED SIXTY -NINE AND NO 1100 DOLLARS ($158.369.00) and authorizes payment thereof. and the City Manager and the City Clerk of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest to a contract with Jimerson Underground, Inc., for the above - described work_ said contract containing the plans_ specifications_ and requirements of the City Engineer and appropriate bond requirements in accordance with the provisions of Tcxas Government Code, Chapter 2253. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated 252.048, the City Manager- is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs ofTWENTY -FIVE THOUSAND AND NO /1 00 DOLLARS ($25- 000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty -five percent (25 %) or decreased by more than twenty -five percent (25 1/o) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: "That pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.048, the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. I with Jimerson Underground. Inc.. for the project authorized in Section 1 hereof in order to add an additional 495 linear foot segment ofsanitary sewer including [%A { I llc A fflnnhAcs' An home do ekpi��.,m % cqpW Ad chmyc We k anched huww inwted [WHA W aW imWe a pan 1wroof Or Of hounts aml pupses SuAn 4: lAw Me Clye Councd of the Chy of Hymn hereby authoWes die paymni of PURTYINAiR THCM)SAND TWO IRAIDMI) TVVFN'rY-FlVF,' NCH(K) F.)OLLARS ($34=5,00)� to Jknc,rson h1c., fi'w ('.'hange () dur Nio d uaho6zcd in ;t.ction 3 hercol". S&.'[�on 5 -1 his ordinance, shaH We cHNI knnlodiat(l, fi-ont ,ind aRer is pamage by Be (1, AmncH cdAhe Chy cl lky an, n, I I READ and PASSH) by We anknWle Me of the'vS 11*lown TO the 12" da,v of AugusL 2010, Op I L D()�14(,'ARLOS, NNCAyor A FTrU : I 1"'FKIA /I&PROVE 1) AS' H) R)R'M: OL ............ . . . . . . sR. Cc, i on q j , M I r , I � I I • t I L�' ( ' j [ �' 4 ", � ) � s � � I ': i l f ) � i i r K < [ 1 cc:' 2 0 1 ( I , " ( � u , � V: , \ u tm � i ( ' s r T ti I I G �' t -11 s ; " V I 6 , I t h o I o � 2 1 n c 1, 11 , uI i ,, Ili c Brief Description of Changes: Exhibit "A" CITY OF BAYTOW N Change Order No. 1 12 -inch Sanitary Sewer Extension Near Highland Farms August 9, 2010 This Change Order will add additional quantities to line items #2,#4, #5, #7, and #15. These quantities are being added in order to add an additional 495LF segment of sanitary sewer including two new manholes for future development. Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total #2 Trench safety protection /shoring LF 495 1.00 $ 495.00 #4 4' Dia. Sanitary Sewer manhole EA 2 2,300.00 $ 4,600.00 #5 Extra depth for sanitary sewer manhole VF 6 166.00 $ 996.00 #7 12 -inch Dia. PVC (SDR -35) sanitary sewer LF 495 56.00 $ 27,720.00 #15 Hydromulch seeding AC 0.23 1,800.00 $ 414.00 Revised Contract Amount Contract Summary: 34,225.00 Original Contract Amount $ 158,369.00 Previous Change Orders $ - This Change Order ,225.00 Revised Contract Amount $ 192,594.00 Original Contract Duration - Calendar Days 30 Previous Time Extensions This Change Order 0 Revised Contract Duration - Calendar Days Jimerson Underground, Inc. Date Director of Engineering Date Director of Finance Date City Manager Date 30