Ordinance No. 11,37401WINANCT'NO. 11,374 AN ORDINANCl",, 01- "1-`111': OFBAYTOWN, TEXAS, HOC "ChI 'PIE BAYTOWN 1:1101"FKATIT"'R mi"NIORIAL PROJFC], AUTIORIZING FINAL PAYMENT OF 11111 SUNI OF ?NINJ-.TFF-,N TIJOIJSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVITNTY-NINF AND 52nOO DOLIATS ($19,479.52) 'm 11-.'ANINVORK CONTFRUCUON SERVICES, INC., FOR SAID PROJECT; AND ]IR-OVIDING FORTHE, F'THl ,CTIVF, I7AT1! THER110F. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHEREASCIhe City of Bapown coMmeted "it 1'emmvork Construction Services, lnca , for the B,y wn rc�ject (te I roect); , al i( I \VI IF,RFAS, all of Te sAd impnmmems, as provicled in the [thins and specifications heretol6re prepared by the City"s engbeer and as aNnoved and m5pted by the CAq, council have been pet-Armed and complered in full accoMance m1h all of We terms and conditions ofthe aloresaid contract; attar[ \VI IF.'REAS, the Cilds engheer hi the manrier provided by We turns of Me sAd emmmu and We pkins and Imcificalkmis there(T has approved and acceNed the Baytown I"irchighter N/lernorial PnIcu, has heretofore issued Ids Certificate of Firml Acceptance, has certified wane to the city council, and has recommended that h accept and receive said work and improvements as constructed and completed by Coll trac tor; and NO IEREAS, there rcrnaois due and owirig to Tcmmvmk ( onstrucdon Services, Inc., the suill of NINF',TT`T.N TI-K)USAND FOIJR I IUNDRED SF',VFNTY-NINI,,-, XNIJ 52nOO DOLLARS ($19AW52); NoNV '11,11",REFORF, 131:` FFORDAINLD BYTI 113 CITY COUNCIL (DI`' I'l IF Cl I'YOF BAYTONVN,TEXAS: Secdon 1: Tlmt Me Coy council hereby accepts and approves the above-described work and onprovements, and finds and determines that all or said irnprovernems have been corrildeted as provicled W We plans and specifications thereof, and in full accordance Nvith all of the terms and provisions cal` the aforesuki c(mitract. "sect on 2: "niat we Certificate ot-Final Acceptance heretofore issued by the City's engineer- and certified to the City conned is hereby accepted arid received. SeWon 3: 'rhat final payment to Tcanrwork C011StrUCti01l Services, Inc., in the amount of N[NF.TF,'F',N "I'llOUSAND F"OUR HUNDREF) SFVl..NTY-NINF, AND 52/10D DOLLARS ($19,479.52) is hereby 'authorize(t Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect hi-imelmely fix) ai id al ter As passage by the ""'n, coy comic H or we coy or By4mm. IN'f1tODUCT13, READ and VASSED by the allinuadve vote I the City COLHICH Of the: city of Bayumn this the 270 day of N4a" 'H) W LFTKIA CU A 1) 1 it (-W, lerk TO FORM: S11,Y1 I F,-, N 11. Lea"CA It LOS, Pvlayor A cli A N Co mw 1, is imcs"200"Mav dm;