Ordinance No. 11,370ORDINANCE 'NO. 11,370 AN ORDINANCE' OF CITY COIJNCIL OF THE' CITY OF BAYTOINN, TI-"XAS, AUTHORIZING FUNDING IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCFTID FIVE IIUNDRE'D THOL.JSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS (S504,000,00) 1--OR 'I'llf" THIRD YE-'AR 01--' THE RI..-"SID L,1'NTIAI- CURBSIDI" RECYCLING CONTRACT WITH WASTF N,IANA(il,'N,IEN'I'OF'1'1-"XAS. INC.; MAKING O'HILIt PROVISIONS AND PROV H-ANG FORTH E PT FI.-C'I'I Vl'.,.'. DAT1.1''I'l WI-IF"RI"AS, oil the 24"' day of.IallUary, 2008, the City Conncil authorized the City Manager to negotiate as contract for curbside recycling services with Waste Management ol'Texas, Inc., via Ordinance No. 10,907; an d WHEREAS, the resulting contract has as three-ycar term with ain annual Consumer Price Index (CPI-LJ) ad ustment and as Ma qrterly fuel actiu TI stinent, NOW IF'R FFORF J 131.,' I'TORDAINI.,."D BYTHE CITY COUNCII, (.)FTI IF" CITY OFBAYTOWNJT'1XAS: section 1: That the City COLInCil of the City of'Baytown authorizes payment to Waste ManagcIllelit ()I' I'exas, Inc., in all aniOUnt not to exceed FIVE 11UNDRE1)THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($500,000.00) for the third year oftlic Weekly Residential Curbside Recycling Contract. Section 2: That (lie City Manager is hereby granted gCllel-al aUtI101-ity to ,:ipprove as decrease or all increase in costs by TWF`TY-F'IVF,' T] IOUSAN D AND No/ 100 DOLLARS ($25,000,00) or less, provided that 111C,1111011111 aUthOl-iZCd ill Section I of hercofmay, not be increased by morc than twenty -five percent (25�"o). Section 3: This ordinance sliall lake elTect immediately from and r its passage by the Cit,�'COLHICO o f t lie City oaf Baytow 11. INTRODUC]"D, RFAD and PASSED by (lie affirmative vote o' the Oily Council of' the City of Baytown this the 27"' day ofMay, 2010. s,rlrN H, DONCARLOS, Mayor A"I"'IT'S"f% I-L, 'IC,IA GA"'R' C, I ty, c A i-11) IZ6'V' 1 I-)-A As I 0' 10 R NII: 'a A(.10 RAMIRU, SR., Ci1OA torney "(A+sr%T`Jq,m I Kmen h I cs'C I I v Com I Ci I Olkht in uCCSQ0 KPNfiv 27',r" u I I i of wcAddkional F unds,K'wbside R"wc I in gYem3Aw